Chapter one

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Why was the world created?

Why were humans created?

Why do humans have feelings?

Why are humans curious?

Why do humans put things at risk?

Why must life be sacrificed?

Why can't soldiers live a life like any other citizens?

Why do memories come back and haunt you?

They said we must move on and accomplish what they died doing that way it wouldn't be a worthless sacrifice but does it really work that way?

Why do titans exist?

What are they made off?

Why do they eat humans when they can just live without food?

Do they have feelings?

Are they just like humans?

Wouldn't it be worth if a life was sacrificed, just to wipe out all of them so the rest could live in peace and explore outside the walls safely?

Is humanities strongest soldier really strong if he can't stop titans?


A gigantic bell was rung. The sound of it echoed throughout the village, informing everyone of the return of the survey corps. The big gate, the only thing blocking off the entrance and exit to the outside world, made of what seemed to be rock. It was being pulled up slowly, with every pull made a squeaking sound from the rust of metal that were yet to be dealt with. Behind it revealed a small hole, only big enough for humans to enter. Titans were too big and tall to enter.

People of all ages, stood at each side of the street, awaiting for a certain group of humans, the survey corps to return. As the gate opened completely, horses started walking in by twos, dragging carriages behind them. Every one of them that returned had a frown on their face. People on the streets would stare at disgust, some would throw insults at them, some would whisper behind their backs and the rest would keep their opinions to themselves.

Certain parents of those who left the wall would be waiting for their child's return. Some whom receive the unfortunate news would cry in sorrow, questioning the very existence of the group. Those whom had their child return safely cry in happiness because once you leave this wall. the chances of surviving is minor.

In the crowd of these people, it was rare or even impossible to find a person who'd look at them in admiration and respect. But there, a boy with brown hair with pearl green eyes was looking at them as if they were heroes. That caught a certain Captain's attention. The Captain glanced over at the kid before looking ahead, pretending that he saw nothing.

"Ivel, look at that. We may have a horrible reputation but some kids out there still admires us." A blonde haired man with thick eye brows said as he caught the Captain glancing over at the kid earlier.

The black haired captain named Ivel glared over with his emotionless grey eyes. "Tch. That's because he has yet to know the cruelty of this world. Those innocent eyes, I bet we'll find him as a new recruit sooner or later and maybe in the pile of dead bodies too."

Despite Ivel's mean words, Erwin knew Ivel didn't intend to make it sound as bitter as he said but Ivel always had a bad mouth. Words were always bitter coming from his mouth.

"I thought the amount of casualties would decrease with the strategy I came up with. But really, it wasn't much different than when Commander Shadis was in-chage." Erwin sighed, drowning himself in sorrow and thoughts on how to improve based on this experience.

"Erwin. The stack of dead bodies has always been taller than I am when that damn commander was in-charge. This time, it was different. We did much better than we ever did." Ivel said as they arrived back at headquaters back in Wall Rose.

They all got off their horses and tied them to the usual places, feeding them. The horses were all as tired as the humans were. After that, they cleared out all the carriages before they were dismissed and allowed to rest.

Ivel and Erwin made their way into the dormitory behind the rest. They climbed the stairs onto the highest level. Rooms on the higher levels were larger and were meant for the higher-ups to live in. The rooms on the lower levels were for new recruits or normal recruits. Their rooms were one of the biggest, since it was at the highest level.

Upon, arriving outside at the correct level, they separated on their own ways. Erwin's room was at the very right of the floor while Ivel's was at the very left.

The hallway wasn't very broad, only one or at most two men were able to walk through at once. The floor of the hallway was made of wood. The walls were painted peach.

Ivel entered his room to retrieve his change of clothes. The clothes were the exact same as those he was wearing just way cleaner. Placing it on his hand, he made his way to the bathroom to cleanse himself.

He was covered in sweat and Titan blood was splatted on him. He was disgusted but couldn't clean himself much outside the wall. He absolutely hated filth needless to say the blood of titans. But being a member of the survey corps that was what he needed to go through every time he has to kill a Titan.

Feeling much more refreshed and clean after his long bath he was wearing his usual uniform with a green cloak, with the symbol of the wings of freedom.

He was drying his hair with his towel when a familiar man with thick eye brows appeared in front of him again. He was dressed in his uniform, drying his hair as well.


"How'd it go at your side, Levi?" Hanji sat down beside Ivel, munching on her food while she asked.

"Stupid four-eyes, I'm Ivel. What does your glasses do if you can't even look properly?" Ivel glared at her, placing a piece of his food inside his mouth, slowly munching on it.

Levi on the other hand, who was sitting at two seats away from the opposite of Ivel, glared at Hanji.

Hanji placed an arm behind her head, scratching it as a sweat dropped. "Sorry about that."

"It was horrible, more than half of them died." Levi said, his eyes glued on his food.

The higher-ups always sat together but their conversation were always boring. They'd discuss about strategies and experiences buy rarely play around.

At the other side of the room was where the new recruits sat. They were always cheerful and playing around. But today, it was rather down. Despite that the atmosphere there was still brighter than the ones at the higher-ups table.

"I've got news! Wall Maria was breached!" A messenger burst through the door, screaming.

"What?! When did it happen?! How did they break through?!" Erwin slammed the table, shooting up from his seat. The rest were all shocked. There were absolutely no reports to them notifying them of the break though.

"A gigantic Titan about 200 feet tall showed up and destroyed the wall. It happened shortly after we arrived back at headquarters sir!" The messenger said, clenching his fist, placing it at his heart, saluting while talking to Erwin.

Everyone were shocked and panicking but Ivel and Levi were calm. They sat on their seats, calmly listening to what the messenger had to say.

The two of them were so alike, yet so different.

Hey yall! This is my first Attack on Titan fan fiction so I apologize if anything goes wrong, I will try my best to clarify, making sure nothing goes wrong but if it still goes wrong I apologize!😫
Also a point to note is that I've already got the book planned out. It won't go exactly like the manga/attack on titan story line but there will still be similarities!
More towards the middle-end, the story plot will mostly be my own instead of following the manga since it's not out yet and I have no idea what will be happening so I've decided to make a twist. So don't be confused if you see difference in plot from the story line! Rest assure there will not be too much spoilers!

I hope you enjoy the story! ❤

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