Chapter three

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"Our objective is what I have just stated. But now that we can't use the Gate of Trost District anymore, we only have the option of departing from Karanese and advancing to Shiganshina in a roundabout way. The path suitable for a large force that took us 4 years to break is now lost. In those 4 years, 90 percent of the Scouting Legion members died. 90% in just 4 years. According to our most optimistic estimates, we'll have to sacrifice at least 5 times more soldiers and 20 more years. Before it will be possible to dispatch a large force to Wall Maria again. And even these figures aren't quite realistic. Those of you who are still willing to put your life on the line despite learning about the dreadful state of affairs, stay here." Erwin said seriously, his face as stern as ever.

Looking ahead, Ivel had a clear view of everyone. Many seemed afraid and they were all shaking in fear. Funny, previous batches were never this scared. Perhaps it was because this batch have fought Titan. They've seen titans eating humans alive. They know the cruelty of this world.

"What Erwin was trying to say was that you're all going to die in this hell hole. It's just a decision on how you're going to die. If you're going to die as one of the corrupted useless MPs then go ahead and leave." Ivel said, his arms crossed, his legs swinging. He was sitting at the edge of the stage.

Almost 90% of them left, leaving a few behind. Comparing to the previous recruits, there were more.

"So will you be able to die if you were told to?" Erwin asked, smirking slightly before hiding it away.

"W-We don't want to die, sir." The fragile, soft voices of the little recruits said.

"Everybody looks determined." Erwin mumbled under his breath, giving out a slight sigh of relief. "Alright! I welcome everyone here to the scouting legion! I salute to your bravery! Dedicate your lives to the cause!"

"Yes sir!" They all yelled in return, placing their fist at their heart.

Some were crying, some were shaking, some were anger, some were horrified and only Mikasa seemed unafraid to sacrifice her life.

Ivel stood up from his seat and sighed. "Yet again, another bunch of idiots."

"Aren't you an Idiot yourself?" Erwin laughed as they led the new recruits to the dormitory, assigning then to their own rooms.

"Tch. Did I have a choice?" Ivel rolled his eyes as he read through papers of information on the new recruits. Of all recruits, he didn't find anything interesting as usual. The young captain just flipped through, briefly flipping through. He stopped. At the glance of a certain female recruit.

Mikasa Ackerman. Erwin caught Ivel reading through her paper in more specifics.

"Perhaps she could be your long lost sister. But that's not really possible. She wouldn't be taller than you if you were related." He joked, reading through information of new recruits too.

Ivel glared at Erwin, dumping small stack of paper to him, walking up ahead. "That's it. You're doing the job."

"Ivel. You know what happens when someone other than you or Levi do it."  Erwin caught up to him.

"Tch. Get Levi to do it then." Ivel snatched the paper back, heading off to the tailor.

The tailor was a woman in her mid-thirties. She wasn't a nice lady. She hated the survey corps because her son died serving the survey corps. Unfortunately, she was assigned the task of making the uniforms for the military.

Whenever she has to make uniforms for the survey corps members, she'd always make mistakes on purpose or reject their order. However, she was afraid of Ivel and Levi. After all, they were humanities strongest soldiers. Also because they were really rough. She knows they would beat her up if she did it wrongly on purpose.

Ivel entered the shop and dropped the stack of paper on the counter. The papers contained the sizes of the new recruits.

"I'll get it tomorrow morning." Ivel glared at the Lady who hesitantly took the stack of papers before heading in to start work immediately.


Ivel layed on bed. It was dinner time but he didn't feel hungry, he didn't really feel like eating anything.

'Mikasa Ackerman' He thought, staring at the fan once more as his mind trailed off.

"Push if you want to live!" A fat man, half bold yelled, commanding the people to help push his overloaded carriage through the gate.

He himself was terrified, seeing an abnormal Titan, running at them in rapid speed. However, his greed overran his humane. He placed the life of the citizens there who wanted to escape through the gate in danger just to get his overloaded carriage which wouldn't fit to be pushed over.

Elites were maneuvering far behind the abnormal, trying to catch up. However, the abnormal was running at too fast of a speed for them.

All of a sudden, a certain black haired girl maneuvered pass them, sending a pierce into the Titan's nape before gliding over, cutting it's nape, killing it.

Seeing the amount of citizens trapped there, unable to evacuate due to the greed of the man wanting his carriage pushed over, she questioned their doing. The greedy man told her to get the citizens to help pushing.

"If you think sacrificing lives to save others are worth then surely you'll understand that losing a single life to save many others will be worth." The black haired girl walked towards the man. The citizens moved to the side, clearing a path for her.

The two body guards of the man went in front of him, towards the girl. The girl used her blade to knock them at their nape before swinging her blade at the man.

Shivering in fear, the man commanded the cart to be pulled away so citizens could be evacuated.

Far off stood Ivel, who was wondering, who is that girl? She was new yet she's good, better than any if the elites.

"So that was her, Mikasa Ackerman." Ivel read his thought aloud. Mikasa's black hair and height reminded him of a certain black haired girl he longed to unite with.

"Ivel! Let's go!" A familiar voice Ivel knew belonged to a girl who had long black hair, with baby blue eyes. Her name was Aki.

She lived nearby Ivel. She was a girl that was always free. In the morning, she would wake up early just to visit Ivel and she would spend the rest of the day with him and return home late night.

It wasn't like she had parents to stop her from doing so. Her father died outside the walls, serving the surgery corps while her mother died from sickness.

Ivel on the other hand wasn't occupied either so he'd careless of the time he used. He was free either ways.

At first, Ivel tried to shut Aki off. But Aki didn't give up so Ivel did. He eventually became fond of her visiting everyday. Without her, he didn't really know what to do in his dull life. He didn't have a job neither did he planned on getting one.

Just like that, they became best friends. Occasionally, they'd go out and steal things from those who didn't deserve it or so they called 'the bad guys'. They even got their hands on 3DMG.

Erwin was also part of their friendship. He was a kid that lived nearby as well. Aki invited him over once and they got to know each other. However, Erwin was a good kid. He'd study in school and he doesn't steal. Ivel and Aki had always kept it a secret from Erwin that they steal stuff.

They'd practice on using their 3DMG or go off stealing stuff in the morning until afternoon when Erwin wasn't around. Erwin would normally come over at night.

That was how Ivel spent his whole childhood. They were his only childhood friends. They created memories for him to remember. He would never ever forget Aki, the person that created a childhood for him, motivating him to live on.

It was all her.

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