Chapter six

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"Ivel!" He could hear the screams of his team mates, yet he couldn't reply to them, to tell them he was okay. Because his mouth was glued close, his whole body was aching, he couldn't gather the energy to move even one finger. He just wanted to close his eyes and fall asleep.

He wasn't sure himself whether if he was actually okay anymore. It was hot around him, his half open eyes could see dead bodies drowning in a certain red liquid which was burning. Taking sudden awareness, he realized he himself was one of them. Was he dead? What happened? Where was he? He wondered.

Then it shot through his head. He remembered, he was out on an expedition. They encountered a Titan and following the strategy Commander Shadis used, he was attacking the Titan along with his team mates. But unfortunately, the titan was faster than he was. It caught him and threw him into it's mouth without chewing. That was how he ended up here.

That means I'm just going to die like the rest of them. The thought reminded him of the reason he fought, the reason he lived, the reason he ended up like how he was now.

No. I'm not going to die. Not yet.

He gathered every inch of energy he had left, using his 3DMG to cut himself out of the Titan's belly.

The wind hit his face, blowing his hair backwards just as he got himself out of the hot tub of filth in the Titan. He had used up all the energy he had, he just let himself drop, trusting his team mates to catch him.

And to his relief, he felt a strong pair of arms catch his, gently laying him down on a carriage.

Were they retreating already?

Although having the question in his head he was too tired to care. He just let his eyes close, allowing himself to drown in the drowsiness and fall asleep.

He woke up, his squeezed his eyes as the sunlight shone in his eyes. Opening his eyes fully after getting used to the brightness, he sat upright. Pain shot through his body, making him regretting his choice instantly.

Erwin was sitting on a chair beside him. He was falling asleep, his head rocking back and foward.

"Oi Erwin, where am I? What happened?" Ivel asked, waking the half asleep Erwin up.

He shook his head, waking himself up completely. "You were eaten by a Titan, I heard from your team mates. Your ribs, along with other bones in your body were broken and your lungs were nearly burnt completely. The doctors weren't even sure if you'd make it but you had hope since your wounds were healing rapidly. It's only been a day but you're nearly healed. The doctors think it's something you got from the Titan."

"That's disgusting. But I do feel completely healed, besides my ankle. It seems stuck." Ivel huffed, trying to get his ankle back to normal only to squeal in pain.

Erwin laughed nervously at the sight before calling in a doctor.

"Ivel, nervous?" Erwin asked, upon seeing the look of the young captain's face. The young captain had only accidentally led slip of a slight emotion onto his face.

They were riding on their hoses, waiting for the gate to be opened before they set off on their 57th expedition.

"Why should I be? It's not like I'll die even if I return with broken ribs, bones and burnt lungs." Ivel said, his voice as annoyed as ever, clearing all emotions from his face once again. Erwin laughed at the statement.

"Ivel~" Hanji called out to him. She was riding on the other side of Commander Erwin.

"No Hanji. We've got something important to take care of this time." Ivel threw back at her, without even sparring her a glance. Hanji glared at him, turning to Mike.


"No, Hanji."

"Levi~" Hanji decided to try again, glancing over at Levi with puppy eyes.

"No." Levi's reply was shorter than any of the other. He was stressed enough having to protect Eren from possibly more than just titans.

They all already knew what Hanji was going to request. To help her catch another Titan. She'd request that every time they set off on an expedition. She's absolutely obsessed with Titan experiments.

"Aw man! The same old boring answers from the same old boring men." Hanji whinnied as they set off on their horses.

"Now, get into formation!" Erwin yelled, signalling everyone to get into his Long-Distance Formation.

All the higher-ups were split up. Erwin placed each on a team, keeping an eye watch on the new recruits. Old recruits were placed together on their old teams and some were placed with the new recruits due to lack of man power.

Ivel was placed with a team of complete new recruits. Erwin trusted him to keep them on track. Ivel didn't brief them on anything extra before the expedition. All he told them was not to do anything unless he instruct them to do so.

It was the best way to prevent casualties from his team. Which was also why his team never consisted of any casualties ever since he became Captain and came up with this way.

He never doubted his strategy, it has worked for loads of times. But this time, he wasn't so sure whether it will work. They were still new recruits despite having already fought titans before.

"Sasha, Connie and Mikasa. Correct?" Ivel addressed them one by one, verifying their names. He read through the papers but he only scanned through so he wasn't exactly sure of all their names and might get them wrong. Getting a name wrong is a small mistake but it can't be overlooked. It may cause a life just because you got their names wrong and weren't able to warn them in time.

They all nodded.

"Alright. I'm Captain Ivel. I've already told you before but may I remind you. Do not do anything unless I instruct you to do so."

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