Chapter thirteen

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"This place is clean!" Krista squealed upon entering the house. It was a small house underground. They were going to live there for quite awhile while they investigate on the organisation.

"Alright, we're cleaning this place. It's dirty as hell." Levi said, getting ready. Ivel agreed, getting ready as well. Everyone else sweat dropped. The house was really clean already, for everyone else that is.

"How'd you get this house? It's small but houses are hard to get especially underground." Erwin asked Ivel across the table. They were having dinner. In the cabinet, there were a few instant noodles and Krista decided to make dinner for everyone.

"I didn't get it. Kenny did." Ivel replied, not touching his bowl of instant noodles while the rest were eating.

"Uhm... Is there a problem with the food, sir?" Krista asked worriedly.

"No. It's hot." Ivel replied, his arms crossed. Ivel didn't like his food hot. Oddly, he preferred it colder. Not ice cold or hot just in between.

"Who is this Kenny you're always talking about?" Mikasa spoke after keeping quiet for a long while. She had already finish her food.

"Kenny the Ripper. Haven't heard of him?" Levi raised an eye brow, finishing his bowl of noodles too. Mikasa shook her head, earning several shocked faces. Levi just left the table, walking into a room.

"Kenny Ackerman. Also known as Kenny the Ripper. He kills with slitting people's throats. We're guessing he's got something to do with the organisation." Ivel replied, finally starting to eat his noodles which was already cold. After awhile, Levi got out of the room.

"Oi, Ivel." Levi said, standing at the door of the room, throwing a jacket towards Ivel.

Ivel caught it in his hands as he finished his noodles. He stared at the jacket for awhile before looking at Levi. "Oi, where's yours?"

Levi glared at him, going back into the room before coming out again, his hand clenching onto a jacket. Both jacket were black coloured, oversized but thick.


"Levi, Ivel. Come here." A slim woman with light coloured eyes, and long hair that reached her back said.

Two same looking little boys, ran towards their mother's hug. Kuchel, their mother slowly unfolded two dark coloured big sized jacket, handing one to each of them.

"This is for you two. Wear it when you sleep, it's really warm." Kuchel said with a warm smile, hugging them once more.

Ivel immediately covered himself in the oversized jacket, enjoying the warmth it gave. Levi held up the jacket, staring at it before placing it aside.

After Kuchel died, they brought the jacket with them to live with Kenny. However, it was left in the house afterwards. They have both forgotten about it.


"We'll need to work together well if we're going up against those killers. I'll have you each keep a knife on yourself every time for safety." Levi said as Ivel handed each of them a knife. He had stole them off a seller in the market earlier, much to Erwin's disagreement.

"We'll call each other by names shall we? Alright, let's have some self introduction. Everyone state a fact about themselves." Erwin smirked, sitting in the position with everyone in sight. He received glares from Ivel and Levi making him giggle.

"I'll start. I'm Erwin Smith, Commander of the Surgery Corps. I was good friends with Ivel during my childhood." Erwin said, purposely avoiding Aki's mention for Ivel's sake.

"I'm Krista Lenz. It's an honour working with you all! One fact about me... I love animals." Krista introduced herself with a bright smile on her face.

"Mikasa Ackerman. I enlisted into the military because of Eren." Mikasa said, her face giving a blank look just like Ivel and Levi.

"Levi. I'm short."

"Ivel. Me and Levi are twins."

Levi and Ivel introduced themselves with vague and obvious facts. Erwin glared at them but decided to move on. What more can you expect from those two?

"No last name?" Mikasa brought up, glancing at the twins who were sitting opposite her, with their feet on the table.

Ivel was busy dusting off the dust on his jacket while Levi was drinking a cup of tea. They pretended as if they haven't heard Mikasa and just continued with their own things.

"We'll spend this week on training. Ivel and Levi will assist us. We'll also get ourselves familiar with the routes around. We'll be starting early so get some rest." Erwin said, dismissing them, indirectly saying it's lights out time. There was always a lights out time but no one really followed it, especially not Levi and Ivel.

Levi was sharing a room with Ivel and Erwin while Mikasa and Krista took the other room. It was a small house, there were only two rooms, a kitchen, a dinning table and a toilet.

"Get some sleep you two." Erwin said jokingly. He knew those two didn't sleep so early. They only slept about a few hours everyday. Erwin sometimes wonder how they survive with so little sleep. Putting his thoughts aside, he got ready for bed and turned off the lights, going to sleep.

Levi and Ivel were each sitting on a chair of their own, opposite of the bed, beside each other. It was complete silence for the whole night. Ivel was wearing the jacket, staring out of the window, looking at the stars. Levi was staring at the wall beside the bed. There were scratches from him training back when he was little. Either ways, the two were both thinking about something, regarding their past.


"Mom. Can I get a hair cut? My hair is growing long." A young Ivel said. He was wearing a black jacket, reaching his feet. Dragging the jacket on the floor, he walked towards his mom his hands holding a scissor.

"Come sit here." Kuchel said, smiling. She was feeling unwell but the innocent voice of Ivel would always brighten her up, making her feel better.

Ivel sat on his mother's lap, handing over the scissor to his mom. Kuchel took the scissor, pulling his hair before snipping it.

"Mom, next time I want to learn how to do it myself okay?" Ivel smiled innocently at his mother before running off to play with Levi.

Little did he know there was no next time. It was the last time Kuchel helped him cut his hair. It was a short and brief moment but Kuchel enjoyed it a lot. She loved her son, if only she had more time.

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