Chapter 14: Telling The Lads and Lasses

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Annikka POV

We walked out of the room and into the lounge. Everyone was still there, laughing and talking. Niall and I went inside and smiled. They all stared at us for a moment, then Harry laughed. "Aren't they the sweetest couple around, holding hands and everything?" he teased, winking at Niall. I felt my cheeks burn and let go of Niall's hand. I didn't even realize I was holding it. Sigh. But now that I have to let go, my hand feels so empty. I looked over to Niall, who was akwardly standing only six inches away from me, biting his lip with his arms akwardly hanging from his sides. He was blushing mad as well. Skylar grinned and patted the seat beside her. I smirked. "But I wanna sit in between you and Zayn," I whined. "There's no space because your all so  awfully close together!" I teased. The whole room laughed again and I heard Niall chuckle to himself, "Same Annikka, always getting back." Skylar blushed and I winked. Zayn blushed as well, and moved to the other side of the couch. "Aw, isn't Zaylar just the most adorable couple around, cuddling on the couch and all!" I exclaimed, mimicking Harry's tone and choice of words as I sat down in between them. Everyone laughed. "Zaylar?" Zayn asked. "It's a ship name, dummy." I grinned at him. "Like Elounor." I added. Louis smiled. "I like that. Elounor. Nice name for us." He smiled. "Wait, when did you know about ship names and even know which  band-member is which?" Anna asked, who was cuddling close to Liam just like Skylar. I decided not to embarrass her. "Lily told me all about it!" I said proudly. Lily and Allyssa laughed. It's true. During the second half of the concert Lily started explaining things to me. "Boys, it's time for the meet and greet!" a girl called. She walked in. Wow. She's really pretty, and she looks like she could be mean.  "Amanda, I told you, I'm not intrested. I like someone else." Niall stated with a stern look on his face. She smirked. "Oh, but I am. Very, very  intrested. Who is this girl, I can easily get rid of her. Show her you love me, that'll brush her off! And you won't be able to stay from me long, baby." she said in a smooth voice as she walked over to Niall and sat in his lap. I felt nervous and angry. Who is she? "Amanda, you're fired. Leave. Now."  Niall said, pushing her off. She fell to the floor. "You fool!" she said, getting up and brushing off her awfully revealing dress. "Nobody refuses me what I want! You will pay for treating me so rudely!" she cried, shaking her fists at me before she left the room. Wait, why me? I thought she was mad at Niall, not me. I have absoloutely nothing  to do with this. "Sorry about that, love." Liam said. "Amanda used to be Niall's make-up artist, and she fancies him." he laughed. "But as you can see, Niall is not interested in her." Zayn grinned. "Not intrested in her at all." Harry added with a cheeky smile. Niall blushed. "Em, lads we have to go to the meet and greet, remember?" he said. The boys (except Beck) nodded and got up. "We'll be back in a bit, girls." Harry said. Beck 'hmph'ed. "So you idiots think I'm a girl, or I don't exist, or I'm gay?" he frowned. We all laughed. "Beck, honey. Come on! Stop being so annoying." Kelly rolled her eyes and kissed his cheek. "We'll be back in a bit, girls and Beck. Not sure if there's even any difference, though." Harry teased and they left. Beck sighed and shook his head. "So, what's up?" Skylar asked. "Niall invited us to spend two weeks or so with him and the lads at the beach." I told them. Lily and Allyssa nodded and giggled. "We knew, Niall told us. You all better come, because this is practically the lads asking you all out to two-week dates." Lily laughed, grinning at us. Me especially. "Well, Kelly and Beck, can you stay for two weeks?" I asked them. "Hmm, I don't think so. We're only here for five more days. We have some things to do back at home." Kelly said. I nodded. "Jessica?" I asked. "I'm in." she smiled. "Got nothing better to do with my summer anyway." she added. "Well, Sarah and I are definitely going." I said. "Anna?" I turned to her. " Well, of course! I wouldn't miss the opportunity to stay with the boy of my dreams from two weeks or more now, would I?" she giggled. "Well, looks like we're all going to the Philippines in a week! Except Kelly and Beck, that is." I smiled. "Gurl, you look genuinely happy to leave me and Beck behind. What's up with that?" Kelly asked, pretending to be hurt. "Aww, Kelly! I'm just excited to go to the beach." I laughed.

After that, we talked and joked some more over coffee until the boys came back.

Niall POV

*1 and half hours later*

Another poster was shoved on the table, just under my nose. Don't get me wrong, I love the fans, and I don't really hate signing posters and things, but you have to admit after having to scribble your name on endless things going from shirts and posters to wrists and cheeks, from notebooks to shoes.... it gets kind of tiring. "What's your name?" I asked without looking up. "Rebbecca." I heard a girl say, so I scrawled, "TAKE CARE, REBBECCA! - niall"  on her poster. "Thanks! Can I have a picture with you?" she asked. "Um, sure." I mumbled. I stood up and she put her arm around me, she licked her lips then kissed my cheek. She snapped a picture and left. I grabbed some of the paper towel on the table and wiped her saliva off my cheek, since her lips were wet when she kissed it. "And that's the last one, so everyone please go home, the boys are tired." I hears Paul say. The girls went crazy and screamed so loud I thought I might've gone deaf. Fortunately I didn't. The boys and I walked inside, ignoring the girls. We're used to it. "So, Niall. What did Annikka say when you invited her to our two-week beach vacation?" Liam asked. "She said she'd ask her friends about it." I replied. We grabbed some water bottles from a cooler and drank it thirstily. It not actually very warm in London, but when you're surrounded by a massive mob of screaming girls, it gets kind of crowded and hot, and I always feel like there isn't enough air to breathe. I was sweating really bad. "So, Liam. You fancy Anna?" Harry grinned. Liam blushed and nodded. "I think I fancy Skylar." Zayn said. "Honestly, I like Jessica." Harry smiled. I nodded.

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