Chapter 3

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"Phil, we're out of milk!" Dan pulled a shirt on.

"Ooh I'll come with you, I want a kinder egg." Phil said excitedly, also pulling a shirt on, his hair still damp.

"Okay then, jeez anyone would think you're the younger one." Dan giggled.

They left their apartment single file down the narrow stairs and out into town.

"It's a bit crowded today, isn't it." Phil told dan.

"Yeah, well it is a saturday."

A cyclist came speeding through the crowd, quite recklessly might I add.

"Phil, watch yourself!" Dan hooked his arm around Phils waist and pulled him closer. Phil grabbed his hand in shock, intertwining their fingers.

"Phil, you can let go now." Dan said, even though he really didn't want him to let go.

"Is it okay if I hold on? I don't want to get lost in the crowd." Phil looked up at dan.

"Sure thing." Dan replied.

Phil felt safe holding dans hand. Phil himself is over 6ft, but holding onto dan who is a few inches taller, made him feel safer. He didn't want to let go.



Short but sweet ay?? (Bit of a teaser chapter) Trying to publish shorter chapters more often, rather than longer chapters less often. This is shorter than I'd like, it just seemed a good place to stop the chapter. Too much cootiessss.

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