Day 1

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I turn to fly back to the DEO after rescuing a family from a bridge that was about to fall when I feel a sharp pain in my abdomen. I fly faster then before and reach the DEO, where stepping onto the balcony, I almost double over in pain. Grabbing the railing I stand back up. "Kara? Oh my gosh Kara?" Alex says,  her forehead creased with worry. I admit "No. There is something wrong with my stomach." She helps me to the Med Bay and disappears for a few minutes. She comes back with Alura's hologram, which scans me for any Kryptonian illnesses. "You have signs of Arakumur, a disease of the blood. Once signs begin to show, one has only fifteen days to live. I am sorry." I sighed, I should have known. I had an older sister, Jayde, who died of this disease back on Krypton when I was only four, she was six then. I remembered the ten days, I spent with her, when she actually remembered me. Then, she forgot who I was, and had terrible hallucinations. The only person she remembered till the end was Mom. I stand back up, Alex tries to sit me back down, but I shake my head. "Right now, I'll just have flu like symptoms. I just need to sleep, but can you come over tonight?" Alex nodded. I flew back home, where I changed into a pair of sweatpants and a comfy sweater. I could feel the bile rising in the back of my mouth so I got up from the couch to go to the bathroom. I didn't make it. Everything I had eaten came right back up. I wiped it up and threw the paper towels in the trash, settling myself onto the couch where I turned on Funny Face. Someone knocked on the door. "Come in! It's unlocked!" I yelled. "Hey Kara? It's Lena." came a tired sounding voice. "I'm on the couch." I say. She steps inside the house, and makes her way to me. "hi Lena." I say. "Hi, I was worried about you, you weren't answering my texts or calls." Oops, I had been to preoccupied. "I left my phone here. I only just came back." I say. "Kara, you don't look too good. You seem a little pale. It isn't Kryptonite poisoning is it?" (In the story, Lena knows Kara is Supergirl.) I shook my head, but at that very moment, I felt the bile at the back of my throat, and made a dash for the bathroom. Lena patiently held my hair back from my face, as I emptied my already empty stomach. "Kara? Is that blood?" Lena asked, her voice slightly higher pitched. I noticed I was throwing up blood just then. Lena helped me clean myself up, and handed me a glass of water. "Thanks." I said, my voice barely audible. "Kara, can you please tell me what's going on?" she asked. Her emerald eyes were full of tears, and her lip trembled, threatening to burst into tears. I sighed, I had to tell her sooner or later. "Back on Krypton, I had a sister, Jayde. She was two years older and my best friend. Just before her seventh birthday, she got sick. She had a Kryptonian illness called Arakumur. Once signs show up, you die in fifteen days. It's a genetic defect that causes it. I just found out that I also have the defect." I finished my sentence in tears. "Oh, Kara, how am I going to live without you!" Lena said, crying. We hugged each other, just as my sister came through the door. Soon, all of us were crying. The three of us had a girls night, Alex made dinner, lasagna, for her and Lena, and soup for me. I began to fall asleep on the couch, my head in Alex's lap. I looked up at her tired face and whispered, "i'm sorry."

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