Day 14

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Alex was twisting the ring around her finger. She didn't know why Maggie had proposed at that moment. But she was glad she did. Maggie had a great taste in rings. She knew Alex so well. The ring was simple, the stone a small diamond, and had the day they met engraved on the inside. 

"You look so good in your uniform," Maggie said, hugging Alex from behind. Alex cracked a small smile and turned to face her tiny fiancee who was also wearing the same ring as her. Maggie stood at just five three, to Alex's five seven, so she had the habit of calling her pixie.

"Look who's talking pixie!" Alex said.

"Ok giraffe legs. Let's go. Time to kick alien ass."

Alex gave another sad smile as she followed Maggie into the van. Normally, Kara would be with them. Instead she was fighting to breathe.

An hour later they pulled up to the alien market, which their job was to disband. Alex's expression hardened to cold steel. She was always so focused on strikes. Her focus was even stronger now with all that happened to Kara. Maggie knew this. She knew better then to try to talk to her. They kicked the heavy door open, and saw the most horrific thing. Alien children in cages, crying for their parents, who lay dead on the floor. Alex's team focused on uncasing the poor children, and subduing the workers, while Maggie's team form a perimeter, securing the area from stragglers. 

The freed alien children were to be sent to the DEO, and then transferred to a foster case system, where parents willing to adopt or foster aliens, would do so. They finished in four hours, rounding up the accomplices, and person in charge, also jotting down species, and names, so they could register the children on the National Alien Registry. 

Afterwords, the couple left to go to the hospital. It could be their last couple hours with Kara, twenty four or less. Alex knew this because Kara's extremities were starting to mottle purple blue, and her pulse was getting weaker. Her breathing was shallower, and sharper, and she was no longer regaining consciousness. Alex texted everyone Kara was close with, Clark, Lois, their daughter Lara, James, Lena, J'onn, Winn, and they all made time to gather with Kara in the morning. When Kara died, she was to be surrounded with people who she loved. It was a tearful day. Alex was tied up in knots with stress.

Exhausted from nights with no sleep, she dozed off a couple times, trying to keep herself awake. Maggie was her comfort, her warm arm snaked around her waist, and head resting on her shoulder. 

"Maggie?" Alex asked, causing Maggie to turn. "What will life be without my sister?" she choked out through heavy tears.

"Different for sure. But Kara would want you to keep living, and not dwell on her."

Not dwell on her. But how would she do that? Kara was her light, her rock, her best friend. And now she wouldn't be there anymore. 

Tomorrow. Tomorrow was the goodbye. Tomorrow, Kara Danvers would be dead. Tomorrow Supergirl would be dead. Tomorrow, her sister would be dead. Tomorrow. One last day.


So I've finished writing this story? Should I publish the final two chapters tomorrow? LMK, - A

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