Day 12

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(In case you are confused, the italics are Kara's hallucinations/dreams. If you are wondering what happened to Mon El, he never came back after the season 2 finale in this story.)

Alex paced back and forth around her apartment, waiting for Maggie. They were going for dinner, to try to take the mind of things. Alex was dressed in a figure hugging navy blue dress, that showed off her slim build, and had her short hair curled nicely. Her makeup was natural, very minimal, and she wore dainty jewelry. The door opened, and Maggie came inside. She was wearing a black dress, and had her hair up in a chic messy ponytail. 

"Look, if you don't want to go, it's okay, I'm not forcing you."

"No I want to go. I do want to spend time with you."

"Ok then. I made us reservations at this vegan Thai place."

"Vegan Thai? Seriously regretting saying yes."

"But we can go get dessert at that gelato place you really like."

"Ok, I'm going." Maggie let out a shaky laugh as Alex grabbed her coat. "Let's go," she said, and the two left the apartment. 

Alex ended up liking the vegan Thai place. It was a cute little bistro, tucked on a street corner, and was cozy. They shared drunken noodles, and panang curry with tofu, and some fried rice to eat the curry with. Afterwords, they walked over to the gelato place, which was a block away from the apartment. Alex got brownie batter, Maggie got pistachio, and they swapped to taste each others flavors. "I'm going to head over to see Kara, probably going to stay the night there," Alex said. Maggie nodded, and they silently walked over to her car. Maggie drove Alex there, but decided to stay. Alex kept a spare set of sweats in her bag, always, and Maggie kept some in her car, so they both changed, and sat watching Kara's chest rise and fall. The slow, steady sound of the pump moving Kara's chest kept Alex's mind at ease. They made small talk and cuddled a little bit. Kara drifted in and out of consciousness, but wasn't responsive to the outside world much. She would mumble names, and fall back asleep. The green look from the kryptonite had been diminished, by a small, un lethal dose of lead. It wasn't strong enough to cure, only strong enough to counteract it's spreading. She was on a load of medication, sedative, and always had morphine flowing through her IV for pain relief. She needed a pump to keep her chest moving, and was under constant supervision from nurses and doctors. They came by every half hour, and a nurse was permanently stationed outside the door. 

Maggie fell asleep around two in the morning on the little bed in the room for family, so Alex moved and sat in the chair next to her sister, slipping her hand into Kara's. Kara's would mumble names occasionally, which would give Alex hope, but then relapse into unconsciousness. 

"Kara, I miss you. Please come back to me." 

A single tear dripped down the cheek of Alex Danvers, followed by a dozen more.

Sorry for being gone so long! Hope you don't mind, I took a few weeks off to spend with family. -A

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