Day 4: James

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Another day, another visitor. This time it was James. He came through the door, holding some flowers and a tub of ice cream. "Hey." he said softly. Kara's voice was weak. "Hey." she said. "Ice cream. Thanks!" she mumbled. James put the vase on her bedside table. "Thought these would brighten up the place." he said gesturing to the dahlia's he had brought. He handed Kara the tub, which she ate with a spoon. "How are you feeling?" hr asked. "Ehhh." she said. "You look sad James, what's wrong?" she said. "I uh broke up with Lena. Things weren't that great." he said, downcast. "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that." she said. James started tearing up. "Kara, you can't die, I need you, Alex needs you, Winn, Lena, Maggie, J'onn, so many others." he said. "Kal!" she suddenly yelped. "I haven't told Kal yet!" she said. "I can call him for you if you want?" he asked. She nodded, and he dialed his number, handing the phone the Kara. "Hello?" he heard her say. "Yes Kal, it's Kara. Umm, have you heard of Arakmur? You haven't? Well, can you come to National City for some time? I need to spend time with my little cuz. Yes bring Lois and Lara if you want. Meet me at this address."she rattled it off. "Bye!" James frowned. "You lied Kara." he said. "Lied about what?" Clark Kent materialized in the room. "Kara! Why are you in a hospital bed. Solar flare? Kryptonite poisoning." Kara shook her head. "I'm dying Kal." He looked at her. "Your joking." She shook her head. "No, I've got eleven days left." she told him. "How do you know?" he asked. "Do you know aunt Sira?" she asked. He shook his head. "Well, she died six months after you were born. Of a cancer like blood problem caused by a genetic mutation. And um, I have it. Once symptoms show up, you die within twelve to fifteen days. It's been four." He gently hugged her. "I don't know what I would do without you Kara." She looked up at his tear filled eyes. Someone knocked on the door. "Hi Lois, hi Lara." Kara said weakly. Lois looked at her husbands face and then Kara's. "I'm so sorry Kara." she said, holding Lara tightly. "Let me see my baby niece one last time." Kara said. Lara sat in Kara's lap, as Kara played with her hair. Kara knew she would grow up to be an amazing young girl. She just wished she was a part of that life. As Kara handed Lara back to her mother, she felt something compress in her lungs. She started coughing, red droplets blossoming onto the tissue she was handed. Kal El looked worried. The visitors besides Kal got up. He stayed with Kara through the night, and into her fifth day. 

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