Day 8: The Mother and the BFF

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As Lena Luthor exited her office, there was a dark, and heavy cloud hanging over her. Kara Danvers, Supergirl, her best friend still was in the hospital. And Lena could not find the cure. She had taken Kara's blood samples, studied them, isolated the mutation. But it was nothing like anything she had ever seen. The anomaly contained trace amounts of Kryptonite, that were rapidly growing. Lead was the counter to Kryptonite, but only if used in trace amounts. Too much, and it would kill Kara. But the balance was impossible to find. It was way too risky. As she sat in the back of her shiny limo, being chauffeured to the National City Alien Hospital, her thoughts wandered back to Kara. She hadn't visited her in five days. Her delicate face crinkled into a frown. Kara probably thought of her with loathing now. But no, Kara was way too positive. As she stepped into the shiny clean hospital, complete with it's saline smell, she was lost in her thoughts. She bumped right into a middle aged, blond woman. "Oh my, I'm so sorry!" Lena apologized picking up her purse which she had dropped. "Oh, no worries, I was a little distracted as well." the woman apologized. The familiar stranger grabbed her coffee from the machine and disappeared into the elevator. Lena walked up to the reception desk, her knuckles pale white from her clenched fists. "Here to see Kara Danvers." she said. The receptionist smiled sadly. "Name please?" she said. Lena's fists clenched tighter. "Lena Luthor." She signed in on the sheet passed to her by the receptionist and went to the elevator. As she found Kara's room, the same blond woman was inside. The blond was the first to speak. "Hi, how can I help you? Do I know you?" she asked.
Lena shook her head. "I don't think so, but I know you, I'm Lena Luthor. You must be Eliza, Kara's foster mom."
Eliza nodded. "That's me."
"How is Kara?" 
"Fragile." Eliza stood up. "I'll give you two some privacy, I've been here since last night, I need to shower." Saying this, she left the room. Lena sat next to Kara and was horrified. Kara's skin glowed a pale green, and parts of her arms and face had deep green cracks. Kara's eyes opened wide, and Lena was flabbergasted. Her usually bright blue eyes were glowing green. This cast an eerie glow in the room. "Hi Lena." she rasped hoarsely. "Hi." Lena replied, still reeling from the shock. Kara noticed her friends demeanor. She fidgeted uncomfortably rubbing her weak arms. "Kara? What's wrong?" Lena asked. Kara rasped. "Nothing." Her throat was sore from screaming in her nightmares. Terrible, they were, faces of the dead flashing in front of her eyes. Her parents, family members, friends. Ghastly horrible images they were. She lay down, closing her eyes. Lena stood up quietly. Suddenly, Kara's hand shot up, grabbing Lena's wrist. She looked at Lena, with child like eyes. "Please stay." she whimpered. Lena nodded and sat down on the end of the bed. She gently wrapped a hand around Kara's shoulders. She waited till Kara fell asleep, and decided to get up and go. She tried to move her legs, but felt numb, and frozen. Panic rose inside her like waves, why couldn't she move. As she broke free from her own mind and got up, the same thought ran through her mind again and again; what had just happened? Eliza and Alex came back into the room, just as Lena left.

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