Day 3: Alex and Lena

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 Alex's POV

I woke up just after sunrise, to find Maggie awake and making coffee. "How's little Danvers?" she asked. "Not too good. She slept too still. Usually she thrashes around in her sleep." I unlocked my phone and texted Dr. Fernandez, who worked at the hospital and would be the onboard doctor when we moved Kara. She replied, saying they would be there shortly after eight o clock. It was six thirty, so I looked through all of the stuff Kara might want to bring, photos, and things like that. Maggie left to get to the precinct, she had an early shift. I closed the door behind her and went to take a shower. As I came out, dressed neatly in my DEO uniform I might have disturbed a sleeping Kara. "Alexx" I heard Kara say. "Yes Kara?" I said, moving towards her. "I can't get out of bed."  I put my arm around her, and helped her stand. "Whoa!" she almost tripped. I helped her onto the sofa. She looked terrible. Her hair was a bit of a mess, she looked thin, pale, and had dark circles under her eyes. "Come here." I brushed out her blond locks and tied them into a french braid. "Thanks Lexie." she mumbled. "What do you want to wear to the hospital" I asked her. "Something comfy or I'll kill you." I laughed so hard that I fell over. I then got up and picked out a baby pink hoodie, and some black yoga pants.  I helped her change, and then gave her some cereal. We cuddled and watched the Kissing Booth, which Kara had been wanting to watch for a long time. As the credits started rolling, there was a knock on the door. I opened it, and there was Doctor Fernandez, two nurses, and a wheelchair. I helped Kara sit, and all of us went down.  Kara was wheeled into the back of a DEO hospital van, a nurse and I sat with her, while the rest sat in the front.  It was a short ride to the hospital, and Kara was given a room that had a huge floor to ceiling window. There was an extra bed tucked into one of the corners. I dumped the backpack I had brought which was full of my stuff under it. I left the room for a minute, and when I came back, Kara was changed into a hospital gown and lying on the bed. I kissed her forehead and went back downstairs to fill out all her papers and legal stuff. I headed back to the room, where Kara, was pouting at the nurse. "She's refusing to let me do her blood work." the nurse told me. I sat next to Kara and squeezed her hand. "Look at me." I told her. She winced as the nurse drew some blood. She hooked Kara up to an IV, and threaded a cannula through her nose. "Lexie." she mumbled. "Can you ask Lena to come visit me?" I nodded, I would to whatever she wanted. "Also, can you get me a sweater? It's cold." I called Lena and gave her the address, before grabbing a pale blue sweater, helping Kara put it on. I gave her a kiss on the forehead. "Lena's on her way. I need to get to the DEO if I don't want to be fired. I'll come back in the evening. Love you."

Lena's POV

I dreaded seeing Kara. The day she found out she was sick, my world had collapsed. I had fallen in James' shoulder. Sobbing with grief, I had spent a sleepless night in my lab, trying to find a cure. I pulled up to the hospital, a 10 story gray building two blocks from the DEO. "Thanks Tom." I told my driver and exited the car. I went to the front desk.  "Lena Luthor. Here to visit Kara Danvers." I told the receptionist. "Fifth floor. Room 101" I stepped into the room, and had to keep my tears in. She looked so helpless and defeated. Sitting down on the chair next to the bed, I gave a sigh. "Lena." she whispered. "How are you feeling?" I asked. She shook her head. "not good. I feel like my insides are just withering away." I stayed with her until evening, when Alex came back, but instead of heading home after, I went to my lab at L Corp. I had to find a cure, I must. Kara was not going to die as long as I would make a cure.

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