Day 10

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The fields were tall, and full of stalks of wheat. Kara looked down. She was wearing a white dress and sandals. "My dear Kara." She turned around. A woman was standing in front of her. Her hair was a light brown, eyes full of warmth. The woman was her mom Alura. Kara's blue comets filled with tears. "Mom?" she questioned, teary eyed. Alura nodded, and wrapped Kara in an encompassing hug. "Kara, I need you to wake up right now." Alex's voice said, as Kara looked at Alura in confusion. Alex spoke again, through Alura. "Wake up, right now." Kara closed her eyes and repeated in her brain, wake up, wake up. Frustrated she threw her hands in the air. "I can't!" 


Alex paced the hospital room, her face red with frustration. "Please wake up Kara. Please wake up," she repeated over and over again. She slammed her fist on the table. "Dammit, please wake up." Her eyes were red from crying. And she had no tears left to cry.(I'm sorry I just had to make an Ariana Grande reference) The door opened with a creak, and Maggie stepped inside with two coffees in her hands. She sat down next to Alex. "She's gone," Alex said. "She won't wake up." Maggie glanced at the EKG. "Her heart is still beating," she consoled. Alex looked at her blankly. "But she's gone. In five days I won't be able to hold her hand." The harsh reality had struck. Kara was slowly slipping away from them. And there was nothing they could do about it.

Hey so short chapter. I so fuckin sorry I haven't updated my stories in forever. I'm on a water polo team and I don't get home till really late and all, plus homework because I'm in honors classes an all. Eighth grade is not pleasant. But i start thanksgiving break tomorrow so I will hopefully update more along with getting some much needed rest. Love y'all- A

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