Day 9: Alex

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She crept into the room silently, at four am. Outside, all was dark and still, but inside, the room glowed green. She sat down, taking her sisters hand. "Hey Kara. It's Alex. Yes, it really is me. Every since you came into my life all those years ago, you've been one of the best parts of it. I found you strange, and hated you for it at first, but now, we're closer than ever. We solved our first case together, and do you remember when I moved away to Stanford that I missed you so much, we called, emailed, and wrote to each other every single day. Remember my 21st birthday? We went clubbing together, after I got you a fake ID, mom totally chewed me out after that, and I got drunk and you had to drive me home. Apparently I kept calling you Krara. What the fuck is Krara? You were still in college, and I was a distracted medical student. Then the roller coaster ride began after J'onn or Hank as he was known then found me in jail, after I got a DUI. And I wanted to tell you I got a job at the DEO, every single day. Thankfully, I got the chance to tell you after you saved the plane. That day, when I saw you, it frightened me. You had revealed yourself to the world. But that turned out to be a blessing. I got to work alongside you, every single day. We had our sister nights, we had way too much pizza, we laughed a lot.  You were the person whose shoulder I always cried on, you were my rock, a boulder that supported me. The smile on your face when I got you potstickers, that same smile that turned into a devastated expression of grief when Mon El was sent away. I watched you fight through it all. You were the first person I came out to, the person besides Maggie who helped me figure out my sexuality. You were the light of my life, you were my sun. I'm going to miss you." Tears rolled down Alex's face fast and hard. "Fuck. Please Kara, don't leave me here. The world is a lonely place without you. I love you." Kara's eyes opened. They glowed an eerie green. But for a fraction of a second, they were the color of the sky at noon, a bright, blazing blue. Her lips parted into a smile. "I love you too."

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