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AN: Hey everyone! I have 1.3k reads!! This makes me really happy!! I never honestly thought I was a great author because I make a lot of mistake but you guys proved me wrong!! If you have anything to say about feel free to comment :) But all I wanted to say was thank you so much. -Trey

*Avalon's POV*

      Dylan is married too? To someone that isn't me? My chest heated up. I needed to talk to him. I need to see him. Why did he do this to me? Did he really give up on me? Ugh I hate not knowing shit.

Not a moment later Dylan, Jorel, Matty, Jordan, George, and Danny walks in. The looks on their faces didn't help my heart. Jorel gives Rayn the happy look. Danny give me a 'glad your okay' look. George hugs me. Matty's eyes lite up like a Christmas tree. Jordan messes with me a bit. Dillon's eyes were all sad. Telling me he missed me. Shouting I'm glad you're okay. Screaming with joy.

"You're back!! Oh my God I missed my daughter!" George teased and shouted as he still had me in his arms.

I smiled and hugged back. "I missed you Johnny!" Tears welled up into my eyes as everyone gave me a hug except Dylan. I had to ignore that at the moment.

"What happened??" Jordan screeched hugging me again.

"Shane. That bastard kidnapped me for a sex toy." I had one tear fall and a few 'Ha! Knew it!' 'Damn..' Nothing from him still.

Dylan cleared his throat. "Hey why don't we let Dylan and Av talk for awhile?" Matty spoke up. I gave him eyes that begged him. He just nodded and everyone but Dylan left.

It was awkward for awhile. Nothing was said. Nothing was done. I finally sat and tears fell repeatedly. I couldn't help it at this point. I lost all the amazing people in my left. He was one of the two most important too. The clean shirt I received a half hour after I returned, was stained with tears. Footsteps were made their way towards me.

"I've missed you baby. I was worried sick about you. I was aching and crying all day. I didn't know how to handle this but I think it was worse than you think," he spoke full of emotions.

"Don't call me babe. Don't call me baby. Don't call me Ava. Call me Avalon. I know your married. I know when you met up with her. Why?? Why couldn't you be patient with me? Waited for me?" I shouted at him. Taken back a bit with how I spoke.

Some woman walked in and stared at us. She flashed a smile, "Hi. I'm Ella. Nice to meet you."

"Avalon. This is Ella, Rayn's best friend and my beautiful pregnant wife." Funny said with a proud smile shooting towards her. Great. My heart was smashed even more. She was Rayn's best friend. His wife. The mother to his soon to be child. Can this day get any worse?

-A Few Hours Later-

Everyone has left. Well Matt and Jorel were still here. Jorel was because he lived here. Matty? Not sure why. I was most likely gunna find out soon though. Just by gut instincts.

"We're going to head up to bed. Matty said he needed to stay so I thought maybe he can stay as long as he needed to here " Rayn announced.

Greaaaaaaat I thought.  

*Matthew's POV*

I'm going to admit it. I love her...

*To Be Continued..

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