CHAPTER 5.2 (j.d.g)

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Day 3
We walked into the diner laughing as I had just told a joke about my dog. Her laugh was like music to my ears and I know how cliche that sounds, but I'm telling the truth. They way she smiles is absolutely amazing, it's almost like the world just lit up.
You- Jack!
I jumped as I was pulled from my thoughts by the one and only Y/n. I smiled and apologized. I got a booth for us and we sat down looking at the menu.
Jack- I think I want a milkshake, you?
You- I have no idea
I watched as she scanned the menu, her eyes instantly lit up as she showed me the snickers milkshake. She jumped up and down.
You- I want that!
I chuckled at her silliness and called over the waiter.

Day 179
I walked up to Y/n's newfound house as I had chocolate in my hand. I knocked on the door and she answered, she look miserable but still beautiful at the same time. I walked in and closed the door, she already was laying down on the couch with her hand on her stomach.
Jack- hey baby, how are you feeling?
She looked at me and groaned.
You- I'm feeling dandy Jack! Let's go on a fucking roadtrip!
She said sarcastically while snatched the chocolate from my hand. I chuckled.
Jack- great then let's go!
She looked at me with a raised eyebrow and I laughed.
Jack- I'm joking!
She smiled and I chuckled and I put on a movie.

Day 12
We arrived at the party the party and I was a bit nervous to be here, I usually never get invited to parties because I was a 'nerd' as they call it.
Jack- I feel uncomfortable
You- just let loose! Feel the beat!
She swayed her hips and I chuckled. I grabbed her hips and swayed with her. The night was still young and there is more to go.

Day 179
I watched the movie and I sighed, I just started thinking that she was finally mine. I watched as she laughed at the movie. I smiled.
Jack- it's not even that funny!
You- it is cause- and she put the-
She kept laughing, I smiled and shook my head.
Jack- you're crazy babygirl

Day 3
You- that was delicious
Jack- it was
I smiled and her and she smiled back.
Jack- so you wanna go?
You- yeah..
We soon arrived at her house and I took her up to her porch.
You- I had a great night Jack..
Jack- me too
She kissed my cheek and opened her door, and entered. I put my hand where she kissed me and I blushed. Did I finally get the girl?

Day 12
I swayed with her as she started moving her hips at a faster pace. I smiled at her as laughed.
Jack- you're a great dancer
You- th-thank you !
I chuckled at her drunk state.
Jack- you're drunk
You- I am not fucking drunk
Jack- tell the time then Y/n.
She looked at the clock and I stifled a laugh.
You- I am not fucking drunk
She said to my clock on my phone, I laughed and she smiled and continued to dance.
As the night progressed, Y/n got sober a little and I started to loosen up. I actually saw Wyatt there.
Wyatt- where is she now
Jack- outside
Wyatt- hey man, you finally got the girl
I smiled as he walked away to dance, I went outside and saw that she was sitting in the grass. I sat down beside her and smiled.
You- the stars are beautiful..
Jack- not as beautiful as you
She looked at me and giggled.
You- gonna use that line on me Grazer?
Jack- yep
She giggled once again and I smiled wrapping my arm around her.

Day 183
The night casted over the sky as I sat outside of our house, the stars shining brighter than any other night. I smiled as I remembered back to the day of that party, the way I held her close to me. She was currently cooking dinner and I was sitting watching the stars. I heard the sliding door open and close probably signaling that she was coming outside.
You- dinner is ready- what ya doing
Jack- watching the stars.
I looked at her and she smiled.
You- just like old time
I chuckled and nodded my head knowing that she remembered.
You- that night was the night I knew I had fallen for you.

Day 179
She had fallen asleep, the sound of her soft snores cascaded across the house. I smiled as I felt her snuggle closer to me.
Jack- goodnight baby
She exhaled and I slowly fell asleep.

Day 183
I looked at the stars and then her.
Jack- you know I dreamed of this day Y/n
She furrowed her eyebrows and looked at me.
You- what?
Jack- I dreamed that I would be able to see the stars with you once more and that we would be together.
She giggled and cuddled into me.
You- maybe I dreamed the same thing Grazer
I smiled.
Jack- I guess my dream came true.

Day 1000
Jack- I always go back to those memories, they are the memories I hold onto because I had finally got you. I finally got the girl that I had wanted and needed and cared for. I love Y/n M/n L/n... so much.
Priest- and for your vows Ms.L/n
You- wow Jack that was absolutely beautiful.. I remember those days as well. I realized that I had fallen for you the night of that party. A lot of things happened that night but the small gesture you gave me was enough to make me know that you are the one. I knew that I would love you forever. I love you so much my little Dreamer.
I blushed and smiled. Even after being with her for 2 years I knew that this was the girl I wanted to marry.
Priest- now do you Jack Dylan Grazer take Y/n M/n L/n to be your lawfully wedded wife to have and to hold through sickness and health?
Jack- I do.
I smiled and tears started streaming down her face.
Priest- and do you Y/n M/n L/n take Jack Dylan Grazer to be your lawfully wedded husband to have and to hold through sickness and health?
You- I do.
She smiled and I chuckled, tears now streaming down my face. We put the rings on and I smiled.
Priest- you may now kiss the bri- oh
Before he could finish I pulled her into a passionate kiss, the feeling of her lips on mine was like heaven itself.

She was mine and I was hers.
That was all that mattered.
Dreams do come true..
- Signed The Dreamer

the ending was trash.
hope you liked.
uhm here you go..
Im pretty sure that she asked for it
but if I'm wrong oh well!
add this to your libraries!
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