CHAPTER 26.2 (b.d)

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requested by: jaedonandchosen

bill's p.o.v

As of now I was walking to Richie's house, I needed advice. I wanted to talk to Clara, of course I've talked to her before but not about what I wanted to talked to her about.

I knocked on his door and he answered with a smile, "big bill ! welcome!" he opened the door widely and I rolled my eyes as I stepped into the house. "what brings you here ol' chap !" I breathed out and looked at Richie.

"I n-need  s-some advice.." I looked down and he gasped, "billy bill came to me for advice, who's the woman?" He asked as he opened a coke, "uh Clara ?" he spit out the soda and his eyes went wide, I wipe some that had landed on me and grimaced. "Clara ! Well shit." he wiped off the soda and put the can down.

"do you know how to flirt with a girl, like at all?" I shook my head no and he rolled his eyes.
"alright, girls love it when you touch them in the right place, if ya know what I mean.." I stared at him with wide eyes and rolled my eyes.

"like touch her and y'know, be close to her. Girls love that.." he sipped his Coke once more and I furrowed my eyebrows. "s-s-so like t-t-ouch her a-a-ass?" I questioned and he nodded.

"I mean it has worked for me.." I looked at him with a raised eyebrow, "h-have y-y-you ever h-h-had a g-g-girlfriend ?" he looked down and shook his head.

"let's just say, I don't have my virginity anymore." I rolled my eyes at his antics and he laughed.
"oh! and use some pick-up lines!" he smiled and I shook my head. "come on bill ! like here's one 'you are the apple of my eye and I don't mean the actual apple'" I shook my head no and he laughed.

"f-f-fucking bad.." he smiled, "eh worth a try! alright go get her and tell me how it went afterwards!" He shooed me away and I smiled.

I couldn't think as to what I could possibly say to her or how I could tell her that I like her, I walked up to the Quarry and heard the faint giggle that I yearned to hear. I turned the corner and saw Clara and Beverly getting undressed, my eyes widened. I saw as they were about to jump from the cliff when I moved making the bush move slightly. They whipped their heads around and I cursed my self.

"Bill ?" I heard Clara say, I squeezed my eyes and walked out from behind the big bush. "h-hey."
"were you spying on us ?" Beverly said as she came closer to me, I shook my head no and they both laughed. "yeah right."

"I was coming to the Quarry then I saw you guys and I didn't want to interrupt and-." Clara stopped me with her hand and she had wide eyes.
"you didn't stutter once.." she smiled and my knees almost went weak.

"well, why don't you join us?" Clara asked and I nodded, Beverly had already jumped but Clara waited for me. "what had you come here anyways?"
I sighed and looked at her, "j-j-just uh th-th-thinking.." I looked down and she giggled.

"I'm not convinced, is there a girl you are hung on?" I froze and her eyes went wide, "there is ! who ?"
"uh." she looked at me with her beautiful green eyes and I almost fainted.

"I uh mean it's you, p-p-pretty lady." I tried to use one of Richie's methods but it didn't come out right since I was really nervous. "pretty lady ? have you been hanging with Richie that much ?" she giggled and I smiled, "you c-c-can s-say th-that."

"well I'm flattered that it's me, because I like you too." She smiles and I blushed, "really?" She looked down and bit her lip, "of course."

"now come on !" we get to the edge of the cliff and I look at her and her beautiful body, she looked at me and turned to me. "yes ?" My eyes went wide and I blushed, she continued to look at me as she started to lean in. I followed her actions and leaned in as well, our lips brushed together and right as I was about to close the space. she jumps in.

"f-fuck." I looked down as she resurfaced and I jumped in as well. I resurfaced and saw that Clara and I were face to face, redness came upon my face and she smiled.

"c'mere." she grabbed my hand and we got out the water leaving Bev behind. We sat on the rock and we stared at each other, she grabbed my face and pulled me into a heated kiss.

Her lips moved with mine, I moved down to her neck and started to suck purple marks on her pale skin. I kissed all the way up her neck and planted my lips back on her lips, a soft moan escaped from her mouth as I grabbed her butt ever so lightly.

"get some big bill !" I broke away from the kiss to see Richie with his arms crossed , i rolled my eyes and looked at Clara.

"I love you." her eyes widened, "I love you too Bill.."

I hope this is okay.
I didn't know any dirty pick up lines and I couldn't look them up due to no WiFi so if you are seeing this I probably on someone's hotspot, I hope you enjoyed Clara!!

𝐒𝐓 & 𝐈𝐓 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒 𝐓𝐖𝐎 !! (𝙍𝙀𝙌𝙐𝙀𝙎𝙏𝙎 𝘼𝙍𝙀 𝙊𝙋𝙀𝙉!)Where stories live. Discover now