CHAPTER 18.2 (c.g)

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interracial imagine: for all my queens and kings?!

your p.o.v

all I hear ever in school is "I want Carl to run me over with a bus 20 times, that would mean he marked me" "Carl could slap me and I wouldn't care"
I never stop hearing it and if I'm being honest it's very annoying to hear that same name day on end.
Carl and I are, what do you say?, enemies.
We used to be friends in elementary to middle but then he switched up on a girl and now we hate each other, i never wanted to hate him but he made it so hard. He had changed when he got out of juvie, the constant "thug" facade and the 'shorty' this or 'lil shawty' that. it was mad annoying and I was fed up.


I walked into the Gallagher house since Debbie and I were still best friends, "GALLAGHERS!" I yelled and I saw Debbie coming down the stairs, she smiled as she saw me.
"y/n!" she said whilst pulling me into a hug, I squeezed her and let go. "ready to go to the last day of school!" I said as I tried to be enthusiastic, she chuckled and grabbed her bag. "ready as I'll ever be, it's not like anyone knows me. all they know is I'm Gallagher's big sister.." she said and I nodded.

"fuck them, they are truly missing out on a dime piece!" i exclaimed as we walked out the house, she smiled and we walked to the bus stop.
We turned the corner and we saw Carl standing at the bus stop, we both looked at each other and raised a eyebrow. "what the hell is he doing here? he never comes to the bus stop." I whispered as we walked up to the sign. He looked up and saw us and rolled his eyes, I flipped him off as the bus finally arrived.

"ayo carl! where's my money?!" some dude said as he walked up to Carl, I was in the line waiting to get on the bus, "g dog said he ain't want it until Saturday! I got time." he said, the dude glared at him. "you better be on time, cause if not imma blow a cap in your caucasian ass head!" he yelled and walked away. I looked at Carl and he sighed, I shook my head and finally got on the bus.

Carl got on and everyone started shouting his name, "ayo carl!" "Gallagher!" "white chocolate". He all dapped them up as I rolled my eyes looking out rhe window. "can they all shut the hell up." I heard Debbie whisper in my ear, I looked over at her and giggled. "nah, I don't think so. Not while Carl is on the bus." I said and she rolled her eyes.

all students report to the auditorium! all students report to the auditorium!
I grew confused as I heard the announcements but headed towards the auditorium anyways, I walked the hallway as Debbie came to my side. "what's going on?" She questioned as she looked around at the other students, "hell if I know." we walked into the auditorium and took seats in the back, the principal came up to the stage and cleared his throat.

"good afternoon!" he exclaimed and we all said it back in monotone voices, "love the enthusiasm! but besides that we have some serious measures to go over. a lot of students have alerted me that guns and drugs have been sold this school year. we will all be contacted your parents about this and we will get to the bottom of who has been doing such actions. that being said-."

I had tuned him out as I turned my head to see Carl fiddling with his jacket, he only did that when he was nervous. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"and y/n l/n for the academic honors award!" I heard as I looked away from Carl, oh. I got up and received my award. "y/n would you like to say something?" he questioned, "do I have to?"

before I could say anything else he had announced I would be saying something, prick.
"if I'm being honest, I was not prepared for this-."
the auditorium erupted in laughter. I chuckled.
"thank you for this award and I'm glad I received it but um honestly I hate school and I'm pretty sure most of my teachers know so I honestly don't know how I got this award.. carrying on-."

once again everyone started laughing, I giggled.
"I want to thank the academy and the amazing workers today and thank you to-
"that's enough Ms.L/n!" the principal said. I chuckled and flipped everyone in the stands off as they clapped. I returned to my seat and Debbie looked over at me with wide eyes.

"I'm in love with you, that was incredible!" she exclaimed and I chuckled, "thanks Debs."

I felt someone staring at me and I saw Carl looking straight at me, he saw that I was staring back and sent me a wink. I flipped him off and winked and he chuckled and turn back forward.


part 2?

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