Chapter I. First encounters

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Recently there's been lots of murders and disappearances amongst the little village I live in. Yet my own life has been like ordinary, nothing to see, nothing to do, hence I just roamed around in the woods nearby, calming myself down as the birds happily chirp all around me. It calmed me down, causing tics to appear less frequently which has always been a relief. So the day went as normal, getting up, eating, going for a walk after contemplating what to do for an hour or so, scaring animals away with vocal tics and so on. That's always been my ordinary, my normal. Without the ticking, without the excessive swearing, aching and inappropriate gestures it would be quite strange since Tourette's, coprolalia, which is just a symptom that involves swearing, copropraxia, which is a symptom with, often very inappropriate, gestures, are all things I've had my entire life already.

So as my day continued I ended up getting bored of the constant straight path and green around me. "A walk around the block can't be so bad" I sniffed, looking back at the path behind me before coming to the conclusion of me not wanting to go back to where judgement and glares are hence I continued my step, looking around at the endless smaller paths that ran deep into the forest. A vague mane rushed past as I kept walking, making me come to a halt to investigate what it possibly could've been, to then later decide to shrug it off and continue my step again before bumping into somebody with a broad and tall frame. The broad and tall figure would easily tower out in a group of many people"oh sorry.."I tried to make my way around the man, but got held back"not so fast~"he pulled onto my arm, tugging me back so I'd face him. "what's up with the muttered cursing the entire time kiddo~" "S-sorry..."I said as a muffled whimper's being formed as the man hard handedly pulled me forth a bit, making me hit my back against the tree before somehow managing to escape into the woods without leaving any sort of sign of where he ran off to.

While trying to process what just happened, I continued my step, but back home and as quickly as possible whilst vaguely remembering the man's pale face, which, to be very honest, was handsome.

The rest of the day proceeded without any error other than the usual glares and looks of judgement combined with mothers who never understand the struggle of Tourette sufferers.

Once home again many vague thoughts or explanations of the unusual and strange occurrence kept popping up in my head which I didn't seem to really have any control of. As I plopped down on the couch again, watching the news wouldn't be so bad, after all, I wouldn't know what else to do, so I just turned on the TV and stared at it as it slowly turned on before quickly zoning out and trying to remember the pale face that I once saw in front of me. Swiftly being pulled out of trance by the tv's loud sound of the female voice of the news reporter, the vague sight of the man I encountered before disappeared.

"-Police investigated the crime scene and has found out a very important clue to who this serial killer may be. The person we were looking for is albino, he is said to be tall and broad-please look out if you see this figure and immediately alert local polic-"

"Albino? Wasn't that man I encountered before albino?"I mumbled to myself as I tried to recall what he looked like, only receiving goosebumps upon remembering his deep and sexy voice and his sharp jawline, his eyes, plump lips...and of course his broad frame which I happened to have bumped into before, if I only could've talked more to him or gotten to know him…

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