Chapter IX. Surprise

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The sudden move of Raphael making me put on my jacket and shoes, after I got dressed and all ready, got me by surprise. He dragged me along into the icy and bitter winter wind, snow crunching below our feet. "I still don't know where we're going" "That's the point~"he chuckled softly, a little cloud appearing where his warm breath met the cold air. "Raphael I wanna knowwww"I whined, almost childishly while trying to get all the white specks out of my black and frizzy hair.

As snow particles twirled around, no pattern or any sign of rhythm or symmetry in the paths each and every snowflake took. Raphael and I walked on, he brought me to a funfair. Where tons of people walk around, which also meant where judgement stood..

After a few rides and begging Raphael to stop for candy floss and chocolate milk, I stopped in front of a so called haunted house, basically begging Raphael to go in with me with only my eyes.

With a slight chuckle he gave in, and of course, I was the one hiding underneath his arm and hiding behind him, but in the end we still had fun.

Later that afternoon, I simply had dragged Raphael around, asking if he wanted to go on this ride, on that one, then another one and another until we came across a ferris wheel. Raphael gulped, seeing how big the thing was, but couldn't say no to having two blue puppy eyes, begging for his company in the wheel. So he agreed. He couldn't say no to what had melt his heart. So they got in, arms wrapped around one another to keep the other warm, even though subconsciously.

But soon the evening hit, the sun was about to set as he gently led me to the shore, watching as the sun set and turned the sky a pretty orange tinted pink. I looked up at Raphael, who still held onto my gloved hand, noticing how the sun hit his face in just the right places.

So we just stood there for some more time, watching and talking every now and then as the sun slowly disappeared and made space for the rising moon which gave just enough light to illuminate the beach and the path back home as we had sat down and talked for hours on, the moon now high at the sky. He came to a halt, watching me wobble back, in the warm and big jacket I was wearing, to not leave him behind"come on"I tried to gently grab his hand, my voice muffled by the scarf I had wrapped around my neck, up to my nose so the bitter wind wouldn't bite in my cheeks as much. I was basically a snowman, but made out of a human as a base with clothes as the snow needed to make the body bigger.

He slowly took my hand, putting me to a halt before I could even wobble all the way back home. I looked up at him again as he gently lowered my scarf a bit"I hope you had fun today~"I smiled, eyes lighting up with a sparkle, which was enough to give admission.

As much as I wanted it to not end, it did end. The next day I woke up to a little paper on the door from Raphael, saying he had to go to work. So I went to just make something simple for breakfast, vaguely remembering some of the details from last night. From all the laughs and giggles in the haunted house, to seeing Raphael stare at the ground with wide eyes to just being held in his embrace in the cart of the ferris wheel. To then the moment in the evening where we talked for hours, not getting tired of each other's stories and adventures, listening carefully to not miss a word. It was simply what I missed for years before that. Someone like him. Someone who accepted me as I was.

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