Chapter VI. Businesses

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What kind of business would he possibly have to deal with? What drove him to leaving? What oh what did.

My usual routine of sitting down and watching TV came back as I decided to wait for Raphael to return from whatever business he had to take care of.

"-Panic has spread throughout the village as The Harvester has taken their chance again to attack a young girl who was on her way home. Her chest was brutally torn open in order to get to her heart. The mallot that was used to break her rib cage was found in a dumpster with blood all over it in the same alley that the girl, who identified as Cassandra Stone, was found in. No eye witnesses have been found. Will they attack again? If so how many lives will they take next time? This was the seven hour news, thank you for watching-"

I sighed, switching channels and watching normal TV, waiting for Raphael to return.

Hours passed eyelids becoming heavy and slowly fluttering shut as I fell asleep.

As the door flew open, my head perked up as I awoke from my deep sleep hours later. Raphael came back. The blood was on his hands. Quite literally. His hands were bloodied, as well as his clothes. Based on his reaction he didn't expect me to be up, or in the living room.

He was the wanted serial killer. The Harvester. All I did was stare-and tic of course. "'re up...still...~"he said with a nervous chuckle, hiding his hands behind his back. I was shocked. I gave shelter to a murderer. Maybe I'd be next. Again. "I..I'll just go take a shower now...~"he quickly disappeared in the bathroom.

I didn't know what to say anymore. I was speechless.

A while later I got up, about to head to bed before hearing Raphael's muttered complaints. He was angry about something.

His inhales were sharp and fast, as if he were in pain"everything okay in there?" of course he knew I was at the door even before I asked, because, obviously the vocal ticking would've alerted him even if I did care about not alerting him. "Yeah yeah yeah~" didn't sound convincing. "Are you sure?"I tried my best to suppress the ticking, at least the vocal tics. It wasn't super difficult even though a few slipped. "Yes~" "are you wounded?" "no~" "your breathing makes it seem-fuck-like you are" "don't worry 'bout it~"great, I really wouldn't ever know. Right when I was about to leave a thud came from the bathroom I was standing next to. Did Raphael fall? "Raphael are you sure you're okay?" no answer "Raphael?" again no answer, amazing. I twisted the doorknob, hoping he wasn't already undressed, or still undressed and luckily for me, he was still fully dressed, well apart from his shirt that was mostly bloody. I sat down on my knees next to him, only then realising that he'd probably hate me if he'd see me next to him upon opening his eyes again. Well I was screwed either way.

I inspected him closely, completely freezing as he  opened his eyes. I basically filled his sight. "W-what are y-you...~" "sorry..."I quickly backed up, only to be held back and pulled in closer. Into a hug. I didn't expect this, I didn't expect to be sitting on Raphael's lap while he hugged me. I didn't expect any of this. I was confused. He looked at me and chuckled softly"how come you don't hate me?~"he said quietly, nearly soundlessly. "Lemme just put it this way-", I cleared my throat, "-I just think everyone has a good side to them...even serial killers..." "so you do know...~" "I did from the start..." "How...?~" "well-lets just say that after encountering you in the woods, after the whole stabbing incident and the news flashes it became very easy to figure out it was you" "Well in that case this is something that's become my business...~" "W-what do you-oowoo-m-mean that it's become your business...?" really now Tourettes, really the oowoo tic had to appear?"you'll be taken care me~"he smirked, goosebumps appearing on my arms

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