Chapter XI. Dream

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--Disclaimer:graphic content, you can skip through to the next page(plus top bit second page) if you're sensitive to this--

Screaming people. All I heard were screams, all I saw were people torn open, organs partially pulled out or mushed to the side for another one to be taken. The heavy scent of blood hanging in the air as the air became thicker due to the smoke of a fire that got ignited. Bodies burned, piled up to only have a pile of ashes where they once were.

After I looked and wandered I suddenly came to a halt. I saw a pale figure, dressed simply, a black dress pants, white loose flannel, top button left open as the sleeves fluttered in the cold wind that ran through the empty and chilly campus as the figure stepped near as their presence sent chills down my spine, goosebumps appearing all over my body. The shadow that was casted by the huge light above us hid their face well, making it impossible to make out any of their features, the only thing being seen is how the cold and icy smile appeared as they tilted their head up a little, jaw as sharp as a knife yet rounded a little towards their chin, collarbones sticking out more than they should've. His slim figure made the clothes look baggier than they actually would've been.

Then everything faded into black, a soft tune of a piano playing around me while a white, snowy landscape filled my vision, snowflakes twirling as the tune becomes louder, my feet carrying me towards the source of the tune. Which was the same person, a male, still dressed in the same simple clothes as his fingers slid across the keys as if they knew their way across the old wooden piano by themselves.

I stared through the big glass panel that separated the indoors of the shop from the cold outside and the bitter wind that rushed past.

The man looked up, his eyes showing nothing but melochany, his eyes as blue as the ocean, his tears portraying the endless water, his face as clear as the fresh layer of snow, no flaws, untouched.

His beauty was something that could define both something angelic but also the word perfection. His flawless skin, despite the bags under his eyes that contrasted quite heavily with his pale skin. The gorgeous ice blue colour of his eyes standing out against the blackness of his hair that hung over his forehead. His bangs reaching down to his eyes.

The scenery of the shop before me fades back to black, the tune solidly and consistently being played as a new sight got exchanged with the previous one. The big, old yet pretty and nice sounding piano right before me, the beautiful male right beside me. His eyelids covering his beautiful yet sorrowful eyes, his posture showing the same kind of sadness and melachony his eyes had shown before.

His fingers still slid along the piano keys, only now mine did the same, our hands touching every now and then or brushing past the other's. It was peaceful yet terrifying. It was beautiful, yet agonising. My hands came to a halt, resting calmly in my lap as the male continued alone. A tear shed by the male whose name I'd never gotten. He looked up, facial expression calm and peaceful. "A beauty..•"his hand fell off the piano, facial expression drawn by curiosity.

"Alex?"a familiar voice called out behind me. Raphael. The man's facial expression hardened and turned colder as he got up and stepped towards Raphael, who was dressed similarly to the male. "You...~"the familiar male growled, glaring at the unknown one"stay away from her...~"

--Double update as the previous chapter is a bit shorter than usual--

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