Chapter X. W̸̡͚̟̰͓̟̥̻̞͈̟̠̤̩̫̖̯̆̃̀̈͌ͥͩ̅͆͋̈́͛ͯ̚ͅó͈̜͕͍̝̩̰̬̲̳̭̭̈́̅̔͒͌̃̉̈̿̈͂̀ͫ̍́ͅr̐͆ͤk

17 0 5

So Raphael left for work.
Never did he tell me that.
Let alone what his job was.

Since today was my usual free day in the week, I decided to do the usual routine again.
Sleep the day away.
And so I did.

Until I woke up in the evening due to a rumbling stomach. I pulled myself up, my feet already bringing me into the kitchen without really thinking about it to then bump into Raphael who just exited the kitchen, startling him"sorry"I smiled sheepishly, scratching my arm while taking a step back which resulted in me landing on my behind. He let out a soft chuckle and helped me up again.

And then I simply stared, because, well I had no reason, I just wanted to but soon got brought back to reality by a poke in my side"you were staring again~"I nodded absently, my gaze only falling back to his lips.

He gently pulled me in closer, our lips connecting as he gently placed his against mine.

A few days later, things had become normal between me and Raphael, the spark lit brightly as we'd gotten even closer, into a relationship even

I arrived back home from work, not even an hour after I left, slamming the door shut behind me in frustration, startling Raphael by accident"fuck this stupid world!" "good morning to you too..~" "I got fired!"I exclaimed as I dropped myself onto the couch, sinking into the soft pillows of the couch. "I assume that's the cause of your bad mood?~" "exactly"I grumbled under my breath, shutting my eyes before feeling two hands gently tilt my head up"how about we watch a film to distract you?~"he asked, a wide smile spreading across his face which revealed his gums a little.

So we ended up watching a few movies, my mood had already lifted after the first one, but Raphael seemed to enjoy it way too much to leave it at just one movie.

Later that same evening, he'd gone out to get some Chinese food at a little fast food place nearby. As he was outside, I placed a few candles across the table, creating a cosier atmosphere when turning the lights off. Making sure to be done in time, I finished off by lighting the candles and flicking on the small lanterns that were hung against one of the slightly bigger walls of my apartment. "Wonderful.."I smiled in satisfaction, jumping almost a feet up in the air upon having the door swing open, revealing Raphael"sorry, I didn't mean to scare you~"he chuckled lightly as he set down the bag, sitting opposite to me while taking in the scenery in front of him. That didn't include me. He smiled, laying out the food he got from the Chinese fast food shop.

After eating, we cleaned up, Raphael heading to the bathroom as I headed straight to bed. I was exhausted, mentally drained and simply ready for sleep. So off to dreamland I went.

--slightly shorter chapter sorry--

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