Chapter XIII. 3

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He had a sickening smirk on his face. One of pure evil. One of someone who had nothing more than sickening and disgusting intentions. One of a sick mind. He was sick. Mentally ill. The delirious expression remained plastered on his face, making his angelic beauty less prominent. 

Fear ran through my veins as I backed up into the wall, only to be met with the realisation of not being able to go anywhere. I couldn't escape the murderer. The psycho. Did he lure Raphael into this trap? Did he make a plan to keep his hands clean and let Raphael have the blood on his hands? All I knew was that I had to escape no matter what.

I squirmed and tried crawling underneath the fence that was right next to me but failed which only resulted in dirty clothing. I knew nothing. I couldn't defend myself in any kind of way. I slid down the wall, that I was still pushed against, looking at the man, who I now associated with delirium and insanity, as he stepped closer, officially cornering me in the tight spot I somehow got myself into. I was done for.

I didn't know what to do anymore as I felt the cold metal of a blade slide past my face, leaving a shallow and barely existent cut behind.

The man faded, the feeling of the blade did too, the cut faded too. Was it finally over?

My sight returned, so did the view of the sorrowful figure behind the piano. I didn't dare to step any closer, but whether I wanted to or not, my feet brought me into the shop, next to the man.

My eyes wandered around the shop, landing on the man once again. As wind passed through the shop and made the man's simple clothing flutter, his fingers danced across the piano like he had played the tune a billion times before, like nobody else knew how to, like he only knew the secrets that the melody held, like it was a thing that only he had the key for, a secret he held. 

As the sorrowful man played on, filling the shop with beautiful notes that escaped the wooden piano, his eyes opened, revealing the ocean blue eyes that his eyelids hid. Sorrowful eyes, matching his sorrowful expression and posture, matching the melody he played, matching the atmosphere. His eyes drifted back to the piano, to his hands, to the gentle and graceful movements of his fingers to create the notes. I simply watched in astonishment, dumbfounded by the talent the man, whose name I didn't know, owned.

The view faded again. This time everything remained black. Until a light flicked on. A spotlight appeared in the distance. With a silhouette of a broad framed person standing before one of a small framed person. Raphael and the mysterious man. I never had any of these strange dreams before. Let alone seeing a man I never had seen before in my entire life. 

I jolted awake not much later, in bed. Raphael must've thought little of it and just let me sleep. I simply laid back down and tried to forget about the dream, this wasn't the first time I saw that man. He looked familiar. The same as the mystery man from other dreams. He was there each time. The more I thought of it, the more I began to realise he'd been in other dreams too. I was probably overthinking the matter, because at that point almost twenty minutes had already passed. While deciding that letting it go was possibly one of my best options in this case, I decided to overthink it some more, resulting in paranoia and wasted time, which happened to eventually near two hours.

I got up, dropping immediately back down on bed as black tried to take over my sight. I stayed on bed for a while before again trying to escort myself to the living room. Once seated, I turned on the television, putting on a random show. Only to have it be interrupted with a news flash.

"-And the harvester has struck again, the killer had led a man who went by the name of Raphael Dubeau. A twenty year old woman discovered the gruesome sight, immediately calling the cops to investigate. Further information will fo-"

I turned off the television, staring at the black screen in terror. The guy I loved died. The guy I accused of being a serial killer. My heart was in pieces.

And so was I...

--In order to get why the chapter is called 3, the number three in Korean sounds similar to the Chinese word, 死/sǐ (sounds similar to sahm which means three), which means death. This is related to the sudden murder--

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