Chapter V. Ȃ̫lo̥̮̎̅ṇ̻̘̈́́͘ẻ͚

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--For those who skipped the previous chapter that contained self loathing, suicidal intentions and gory details--

I slowly opened my eyes upon loudly hearing the sirens of an ambulance. I was being rushed to hospital. I wasn't dead yet. Yet I felt incredibly weak.
What happened next went by in a rush, all a blurry fragment of my memory.

Upon waking up again, a familiar face was sitting on a chair beside me. It was Raphael. " doing okay?~" he seemed genuinely worried. He was a betrayer. He didn't actually care. He gently took ahold of my cold hand, gently caressing the top of it with his thumb"~why did you do that...? It could've ended so badly...~". Maybe he did care...


He stayed by my side the entire night, telling happy but short stories to keep me cheered up. Maybe he wasn't all that bad. The small smile that was plastered on his face as he was concocting the stories. It seemed too good to be true.


I'd woken up in some random room. All by myself. He wasn't here. Every twitch. Every tic. Every single tic hurting more and more.

But my heart hurt even more than any of the other things combined. I felt worthless until the familiar face I'd seen before returned. Raphael. Why was he here?

"You're up~"he said with a bright smile, it melted my heart. He was here. I wasn't alone. Did he call the ambulance? Did he know? Did he truly care?

"Don't do that again okay-there are people who care about you and would've been heartbroken if they lost you~"He said as he gently took ahold of my hand. 

We talked for hours as if nothing ever happened, just as if we were in the cafe, up until a certain tic came up. "You're a fucking murderer"a hurtful expression took place of his before joyful and relieved one "Is that all you see me as? A murderer?~" "no no no no no-fuck-it was just a tic..."even though he in reality was one. His relieved and joyful expression had returned. He seemed to genuinely be glad I was okay.

Once I was home again he insisted on checking up on me, daily, to make sure I didn't do more stuff I would regret or hurt others with.

A few days had passed, I had offered him to just stay over at my apartment as he lived right outside of the site, which he accepted, so he'd brought a bit of luggage with him once he visited today.

Today, he had been staying at my place for a few days, cooked supper when I was too exhausted from work to do anything. It was as if he'd always been there. Despite everything bad that had happened, I felt happy that he was with me. But moreover, I felt lucky he was.

A nice scent of pancakes spread throughout the apartment, making me drag my body out of bed to check it out. Once arriving in the kitchen I saw Raphael making pancakes while humming. "Pancakes?"I asked while peering around the corner"you're up? Shoo-go sleep-you need to rest~" "I smelled pancakes"I stepped inside of the kitchen, standing beside Raphael. The height difference was really big. From 1,64/5'3 to maybe 1,86/6'1. I looked up at him, a small smile appearing upon seeing his adorable thinking face. "You're gonna end up drooling if you keep your mouth open like that~"he said with a chuckle and gently pushed my jaw up.

He made the food, I laid the table and we had breakfast together. That's how it went the last three days, Sunday was differently because that time I was the one who made breakfast and he the one who laid the table.

"Work today?~" "sadly" "Heads up-isn't it just one more day?~" "Yeah-one more day"I smiled a bit as I sat down at the table, looking at the guy I was in love with.

Soon enough the time to leave for work had come. With a sigh I grabbed my bag that I'd made the day before and left, trusting Raphael on calmly doing his thing while I was working.

At about seven pm I finally arrived home again. Being greeted with absolute silence and darkness. No sign of Raphael. He was gone. Only a note that said:
'Will be back soon, just have some businesses to take care of.
Sorry if I worried you'

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