Chapter XVI. Plan

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A few days had passed again, new info had gotten up on the site:

'27/09/2015, 3 days ago

Police has done their research and tracked down the possible next location The Harvester will find their next victim in, so far it's been 5 victims over a time span of 2 weeks, it is supposed that tonight will be a night that they'll attack

Click to view attachment'

So as anybody else with a sane mind would do, they'd leave it be, like Raphael tried to do at first but my insisting on catching the killer convinced him.

I also apologised plenty of times for my copropraxia and coprolalia acting up a lot, with other words, I did a lot of very inappropriate gestures while saying an insult that went along with it very well. For example, flipping someone off while calling them a crackhead or a moron or in a special case... cocksucker. Must say. Not a single day, I'd gotten as many weird looks, glares and faces of judgment as I did that day.

With the picture in hand, well picture on my phone with my phone in hand, I went to the location the website provided, Raphael following me at my heels with a few cops following his step.

The plan got worked out into just 'sit on rock' 'wait', with other words, very simplistic, but with many more details unspoken like a safe word, police backup, firearms, like a gun, operated by Raphael and his coworkers and a few cameras ready to capture the attack as more and rightful evidence which left no space for doubt.

As evening neared, and dusk fell, nobody had been seen so far. Five hours had passed already and I started to feel my back and neck ache quite badly.

Rustling of the trees and bushes due to the bypassing wind, quiet and nearly soundless breathing of the people who were present was all to be heard the entirety of that evening. I felt my heart pound, the blood rushing behind my ears that portrayed my pulse, the presence of the cops. The cold wind rushed past my bare cheeks, throwing my hair in all kinds of directions as the moon started to rise and threw a gloomy shine over the abandoned and nearly empty construction yard.

I looked over my shoulder, trying to stay aware of the environment around me, glancing at my watch every now and then. Why would anyone be here after eleven anyway?

As midnight had begun to near, any type of hope that the Harvester would attack had also begun to fade, at the same pace as my awareness had lessened over the past hours.

I sighed in defeat. Imagine a bin with the word failure written all over it, I saw the plan of catching that dude crumble up and fall into it. That's how I felt until one of the cops scared me.

Raphael stayed aware and alert, signing to the other cops to be more silent upon noticing me startle due to the sudden rustling sounds.

More time passed, 3 am neared. It was starting to become way too dark and dangerous to still be out. So I signed to the three backup cops, Raphael and the guy, who was there to get everything on tape, to come closer to me.

As their footsteps came closer, a certain pair of footsteps behind me also came closer.

A gun fired. The figure came to a halt. They dropped to their knees.

One last gunshot was fired. Then everything turned black. No more than faint yells. Then simply nothing at all.


I had to see him. Know if he was okay.

-Raphael's view-

Days passed by, the haunting memory from the night she just dropped to her knees staying at back of my mind, no movements or anything. She did what she wanted to have happened. The Harvester, Robin Brooke, was caught and arrested, taken into an asylum, locked in a padded room for life. His insane mind nothing for a world like ours.

She was still in hospital. Still in coma. In a less critical state than before. No chance of being guaranteed she'd be the same.

Countless visits. Countless stories told, despite the uncertainty of whether or not she listened. The hours spent just holding her hand. Time never could've gone slower than it did.

Weeks passed. Nothing.
A month did. No improvement either.
Then half a month later, she woke up. Brain damage done. But not impossible to cope with. Only leaving a bullet that bursted near her brain, that left a risk of it being fatal if any of the remaining pieces moved but at least she was awake and alive.

-Next part will be an epilogue, might consider doing an extra chapter after this-

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