Chapter VIII. Delirium

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"Theres something I have to tell might not like it...but it's necessary...~" That was the last thing he said before everything became quiet again for a minute or two"what's it?"I said quietly, afraid of what I'd hear next. "You have to lock me up in an asylum~" "what?" "as I said-you have to lock me up in an asylum~" "whatttttt? I'm not gonna-fuck you-"I covered my mouth"I know, not what you meant-so continue~" "I'm not gonna lock you up in an asylum...why would I lock you up in an asylum?" "because I'm delirious~" "what you're saying now is more delirious than you" "if I have episodes of delirium then I'm delirious~" "Raphael!" "What? You said I could have those~" "I said delirium could've driven you to murder" "and mass murder..~" "also-how come you always target the girls?" "I don't know-my strange side just does?~" "Raphaelllllll-tell me whyyyy-oowoo-I'm curiousss" "I don't knowwww-I guess it might be because girls always call me names and just judge me just by my looks...~" "why would they? You're hot"he quirked his eyebrow up in confusion as he quizzically stared at me. "Honestly, I'm very surprised you're not already taken"he just seemed to be shocked to hear that. From me. A girl. Or just to hear it in general. Although it was true. He was hot. "What?" "You're surprised I'm not already taken?~" "Yeah-you're hot and handsome-of course I'm surprised you're not already taken" "Alex are you good at mind still?~" "that's rude to ask-I should be asking you that" "you literally just said it was rude to do so~" "to ask a sane person that" "aren't I sane then?~" "Is someone who murders sane?" "You have a point~" "currently you appear to be sane"

And that discussion went on for another hour until we simply both fell asleep on the couch as 7AM had passed.

About two hours later the alarm clock, that was in my room, went off in the background, causing a disruption of Raphael's sleep, awakening him and smiling peacefully as the dim light that came from the rising sun lit up my face, casting some small shadows around my jaw, nose and lips.

He slowly got up, to see the sun kissed skyline, the dim rays of light that fell through the blinds lightly casting shadows on the places it couldn't reach.

The rays of sunlight finally came through the thick pack of clouds, falling through the openings of the partially shut blinds about an hour later, awakening me from my peaceful sleep to see a stray cat filling my sight. The fearful expression as quickly got drawn on the little animal's face as the mischievous one disappeared as it jumped off and ran off, back to the open window it supposedly came inside through"what even was that all about?"I asked, to what seemed, the walls, as Raphael was nowhere to be seen. "Raphael?!"I called out but got no answer back, concluding that he might've left again.

After deciding to not nap any further and spotting the clock, anxiety hit me. I was late for work. I wouldn't be abled to go in anymore. I'd be fired. Until I felt a warm hand on my shoulder, a familiar scent belonging to it as the welcomed warmth of his skin seeped into my shoulder through my shirt.

"Calm down-just call in sick~" and so I did. But man I could've never imagined what happened next, nor did I expect any of it...

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