Bonus Chapter I

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A few months after the incident, my memory had slowly been improving. And by that I meant that I finally was capable of remembering all bits and pieces plus what I did five minutes ago.

I'd suffered brain damage and quite some broken bones I had realised upon seeing the casts after I woke up in the hospital.

The day had gone by, the man, Robin Brooke had been arrested for fifteen first degree murders, five attempts of murder, of which I've been a victim and three cases of sexual assault and hereby is in jail for a life sentence and life tariff.

Raphael had later, after my entire 'interrogation' about what had happened, which had made people, even me, suspect him of being the Harvester, explained.

"I don't know anything about an attack in the woods, all I know of is a report being filed, nor was I out of work or at the coffee shop at all that day or the day before as I told you the last day I'd seen you during that week. But since the police have already tracked down Robin's steps ever since his trial began, I found out that you spent the days with Robin, which is why I knew nothing about it~"

And as for the time he came back with blood on his hands and he broke down. He explained the blood from helping someone at the morgue and the tap being a little bit broken, rather frozen solid, a friend who worked there, who also confirmed it being from that and the breakdown was solely from a very rough day and from something I didn't know he had, some kind of disorder I already forgot the name of again but it had ended sooner than I knew about it in the first place. So I didn't mind too much. He works for the police department for God's sake so I could almost be sure there'd be no intention of hurting innocent people.

At the last day that Robin Brooke had to show up in court for, he before even going to court, coldly confessed everything to the policemen who were supposed to bring him there, he confessed to all assaults, murders and attempts, not forgetting to mention a single detail of how it was planned, how it was put to action and where he put the organs that police, after months, still hadn't found.

After this confession, police went and found everything, confirming the serial killer's story and hence having even more evidence to put him in jail with a life sentence, to not even consider giving him a chance for parole or a reduced sentence.

Firstly the lethal injection was said to be his final fate, but reckoning that Robin himself, had so often tried to take his own life for killing those innocent people, they decided to let him rot away in the cell.

That was the last thing I heard of Raphael's long story about how everything in court had gone.

The Harvester was behind bars, while our village was safe.

Or so all of the inhabitants of our site thought....

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