Chapter III. Coffee?

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After encountering the mysterious man, whose name had appeared to be Raphael, in the small cafe I always went to, he proposed with the idea of meeting up there more often which I agreed to.

As days had passed again Raphael and I had grown closer, knowing more about each other and what the other had. The thing that amazed me was that Raphael knew how bad the judgement Tourette sufferers get is, simply because his little sister whom he used to live with also has it. Raphael himself didn't really say anything about other mental illnesses, the random subject we just happened to had stumbled upon, other than that he had dyspraxia and dyslexia.

The rest of the conversation went smoothly and as normal, up until one point where some policemen came into the shop which made Raphael fearful and even drove him to leaving. As confused as I was, I just nodded and watched him go, until noticing he gestured for me to follow him. As I followed him, we eventually reached an apartment complex, where he supposedly lived"how about a walk through the woods?~"he said with a small chuckle as a result of my answer which was simply cursing"s-sure"

Later we just walked side by side throughout the woods, his soft hands gently had taken ahold of my hand by now. Peacefully, silently, until we reached the heart of the woods. He pushed me against the biggest rock there, keeping me put by holding my hands above my head. I was helpless.

He leaned in, slightly tilting my head up as he inspected my neck closely, placing his soft lips against the tender skin of my neck over and over again, resulting in a few tiny moans from me before I felt a sharp and cold pain spread through my side, throughout my whole body. I simply collapsed, holding my now injured side as I looked up at Raphael who was coldly grinning as he held the bloodied knife next to his side"freaks like you don't deserve to live...~"he crouched down next to to me"shall I just finish it now or leave you to bleed out?~" I couldn't bring out a word, all I felt was betrayal, betrayal that someone whom I trusted had done something as monstrous as this. Betrayed because the one person who seemed to care had stabbed me and was threatening with leaving me to die. He showed no sign of guilt...

No sign of empathy...

No sign that he even gave a shit...

I was just some freak to him, why would he care? He was just like all the rest

"Freaks like me? Doesn't y-fuck off-your sister also belong to that group? You told me she had Tourette's too..."he came to a halt"she isn't a freak like you who flips everyone off...~" "I thought you cared..."I whispered before laying my head down on the cold stone ground"and I cared enough to free you from your misery...~"and he ran off after leaving his last few words:"tell the police and you're for real dead~"

Once I was capable of going home again after the surgery and my stay in the hospital I arrived home, having a small note on my door which read 'I'm sorry for what I've done
Please forgive me and my sick mind'

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