Chapter XV. Investigate

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As the day went on, the worries about the man Robin Brooke being left at the back of my mind, I was happy, capable of focusing on spending time with the man I loved. "Alex~"Raphael suddenly spoke up, making my head perk up in curiosity. "Yes?"the silence fell again, laying heavy upon the both of us. "When...~"his words faded into the air. He looked up at the sky before continuing to talk:"when did you start seeing Robin in your dreams?~"his voice sounded soft and gentle, yet held an underlying hardness in it. "About a few weeks ago..."I said while getting up from the floor after falling off the couch again. "Stupid body flinging tic"I muttered under my breath and walked over to Raphael who stood by the window through which a light breeze entered the room and swerved through his, dyed, pale brown hair, and through my own black curly hair that lightly moved back behind my shoulders.

I looked up at him, awaiting his response.

But instead he kept looking outside, mind having wandered elsewhere.

" you think that the police can find Robin Brooke?"

"There has to be evidence for it first...~" "Dammit"I mumbled under my breath, averting my gaze to a single cloud in the sky, letting my thoughts wander off while sticking to the same objective of finding evidence to prove the man named Robin Brooke guilty.

There was no way to prove someone, who had always found a way to lead someone else in their trap, guilty. Yet I didn't want to give up so easily. There had to be a way and I would find it.

Raphael was already seated in the couch with his laptop on his lap, searching up things about The Harvester's murders. 'Identity remained unknown' 'Harvester targets young girls below age 14' 'Harvester possible sufferer of necrophilia' 'Harvester is a partaker in necrophilia'. All were headers that he scrolled past.

'Robin Brooke suspect of one of Harvester murders' "That's the one!"I leaned over his shoulder, reading the short article on the site


Robin Brooke has last been seen around The Harvester's last victim, Nicky Winchester, who'd been found cut open, partially undressed. The suspect is being searched for throughout the towns and neighbouring sites. Police have investigated the crime scene, but no DNA had been found other than Nicky's.


Police had further investigated the crime scene and found blood on a rusted edge of a metal waste container, whether this was Robin's or someone else's remained unclear. Further information will follow.

24/09/2015, today

The police have found no other evidence against Robin Brooke, hence he is declared innocent for now until further evidence is found'

"Alex, I think it might be possible to get him arrested...~"he said as he looked up at me. I chewed on my bottom lip, pondering about how we'd find more evidence.

"I know how to get him caught!"I said while jumping out from the chair I was seated in. "How'd we do that?~"he asked, looking quite puzzled as he turned to me. "we set up a trap!"I smiled, proud of the idea I'd gotten. Now only had to hope it worked.

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