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Colorado Springs, Colorado

Seven Months Until Opening Ceremony

"When does this thing start?" I asked dad, looking at my watch. 

"An hour or so. Boys have to sign in and get changed and everything," I nodded, looking over at the list. 

"Jim Craig is trying out? It's been a while since I've been to one of his games. How's he been ever since his mom passed away?" Dad looked at me and sighed, we both felt a pang of hurt at the news of the goaltender's mom passing away. 

"We'll know today, won't we? Hey, can you go downstairs and make sure these guys hurry it up and don't stay talking in the hallways?" Nodding my head I stood up and walked over to the door. 

"Sure, anything else?" He nodded.

"Yeah, keep them in check. They'll doubt you for being a girl, the first-ever female assistant coach that is, so you better not let their comments affect you. Put a stop to them if they do say anything," We both knew this from the very beginning. I am known in Minnesota for having played on an all-boys team, but I don't know if teams we've played against all over the country remember my face. 

"I will," Shutting the door, I walked down the stairs, it's easier to go up than it is to go down. Shaking my head, I made my way into the lobby to be met with a sea of boys.

A sense of nostalgia washed over me. This used to be me with the boys, this is what we used to do together, travel in packs to try-outs and games. A pang of hurt flashed through me, bouncing off the walls of my chest with the memories of me being on a team, a family, knowing that I'll never have the chance to do so again. 

Looking up at the ceiling I sighed, screaming internally since I didn't want anyone to think I was crazy for screaming out loud, but fuck do I wish I could. I roughly ran a hand over my face before pushing my hair out of my face. 

"Well, shit," I tied up my hair into a ponytail and made my way over to the signup desks. There was a guy signing up there so I stood beside him. 

"Hey Jacky, sorry to interrupt. How many boys left to sign up?" She looked through her list and started counting.

"About 8 or so," I smiled and thanked her, turning around to leave. Taking a step forward I hit the guy that was signing up. 

"Oh, I'm sorry about that." He looked me up and down in curiosity. 

"You work here?" I raised an eyebrow and looked at what I was wearing. I had opted for a blue turtleneck and my Adidas tracksuit. I was also obligated to wear my knee brace due to me having to be on the ice. If I were with dad then I wouldn't have had to use it. 

"Yes, I do," I glanced at Jacky who was smirking at the encounter. "And you are?" He met my eyes and smirked.

"Jack O'Callahan."

'76, now I remember him. 

"Nice to meet you, Jack. Good luck today." 

"Thanks," He gave me a nod and once I returned it, I turned and walked away. 

"Do you know her?" I heard him faintly ask, a smirk showing on my face. I made my way over to the pictures. 

"Ren, how many more pictures?" The attractive photographer glanced at me. He held up a finger and started counting the pictures he's taken. 

"About 11." 

"Thanks, Ren." 

"No problem Lyssa," I smiled and nodded at Mike who was about to get his picture taken. Soon enough I was at the towel section. 

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