Flip a Coin

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"Ready for today's session?" Daniel asked once I walked through the double doors. I shot him a look, receiving a laugh in return. 

"Let's just get this over with." I grumbled, dropping my keys on his desk. He nodded and glanced at the guy on one of the beds.

"James, go do 10 minutes on the bicycle." James nodded, finishing his weight lifting repetition and slowly getting off the bed. He limped towards the cardio machines, sitting down on one of the bikes. His left leg also seemed to be giving him some trouble, I can't tell if it's the knee or the ankle.

"You're doing squats on the ball today." Damn it. I've been trying to put that off for a while. There's something about doing squats with no way to support myself if I lose balance that's a bit unsettling.

"Why not weights?" I grinned sheepishly. Weights hurt like a bitch when they make me only use the recovering leg instead of both and my leg can't stop trembling. He rolled his eyes and shook his head, placing the half ball down on the floor.

"Not today, we need to work on your balance. So, come on. Step onto the ball." I huffed and grabbed onto the outstretched hand. "If you can balance yourself on skates and stay on the ice for an entire practice, you can stand on this ball."

I squinted at him, standing on the ball shakily. Almost immediately I lost balance, my hands desperately reaching out to cling onto Daniel's shoulders. He held onto my arms, steadying me.

"I'm right here, Alyssa. Just try it on your own, I'll be here if anything happens." He reassured me, making me let out the breath I was holding in. Trying to balance on the ball was making my legs shake. My knee was hurting with the constant shaking.

"Breathe Alyssa, I've got you. I bit the inside of my cheek and nodded. "You ready?" I glanced down at my feet, the trembling was hard to miss. I looked back up to see Daniel patiently waiting for my reply. After a few seconds I sighed, slowly nodding my head. He nodded and took a step back, letting go of my arms. "Okay, let's start with three repetitions of five, see how it goes." I nodded once again and carefully got into a more comfortable stance.

Squats on this ball is torture. The moment I lowered my body into a squat, my calves and my thighs started burning, my legs trembling since I had no muscle to support my weight in this position. The bending of my knee this much made me want to cry, especially seeing as I had to stretch my leg now. Stretching my leg was the most painful part. I clenched my jaw as I straightened my body, my arms flailing around to give myself some balance. I was already breaking a sweat, my entire body heating up. My balance was shit, and Daniel knew that. He loved to tease me for it, it was amusing to him in a way. He had to hold my arms in quite a few squats. Once I was done with the squats, Daniel helped me off.

"Okay," He leaned down and pressed a thumb on my calf, me wincing at the pain and swatting at him. "Go grab one of the pillows and lay down on the bed." I raised an eyebrow at him. "You probably have knots on both calves so, I'm getting rid of them." Oh-oh! My eyes widened a bit.

"That's gonna hurt like a bitch." I groaned. He smirked and shrugged innocently.

"No idea what you're talking about. Go lay down." I huffed and wobbled to the beds, all that shaking on the ball made me wobbly. I grabbed a pillow and climbed onto the bed, placing the pillow under my stomach, so the curve in my lower back wouldn't hurt as much. I tried straightening my legs out but the left one had me flinching a lot at the pain. I felt Daniel standing to my left, his thumbs pressing into my calf and rubbing circles in a specific area that hurt. I winced as he put more pressure while rubbing circles.

"You've been putting so much pressure on this leg on the ice without recovering fully that your leg is full of knots. This is why it's been hurting worse than usual." Daniel spoke up after breaking a knot that tempted me to kick him with my right leg.

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