Air Hockey

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"Erickson with the puck, he passes it to Bjugstad. Bjugstad just got checked to the boards by Anderson! Bjugstad races after the puck, Anderson and Bjugstad are fighting for the puck. And Anderson is knocked off his feet by Dillon!" Another piece of popcorn was stuffed into my mouth as I watched the game, my feet propped onto a cushion to level my knee, a frozen pack of peas on top. My eyes were darting from player to player, the score being that of 2-2, neither wanting to back down.

"Come on, come on." I grumbled, watching as Colucci was shoved to the side and got the puck stolen from by Harrer. "Yes! Head to the net!" I exclaimed, shoving a handful of popcorn into my mouth, groaning unattractively when he missed the shot. "Damn it, Tim!" I huffed, drinking from my glass of Coke.

The front door opened and dad walked in with mom and the little ones. Kelly and Danny rushed to the living room where I was sprawled out, sitting on the floor in front of me.

"Are you okay, Lilly?" Kelly turned her head to look at me, her eyes glancing at my pead-up knee. I smiled and ruffled her hair. She swatted at my hand with a giggle.

"I'm alright munchkin, the ice helps a ton." She grinned in relief before turning back to the game. Danny voiced his glee when Horgan took possession of the puck.

"No, no, Danny. Wrong team. Team that includes Tim." He glanced at the teams once again before glancing at me.

"Oh, right. Sorry." I chuckled just as mom and dad walked towards us.

"What are we watching?" Dad asked as he sat on the loveseat beside me, mom following suit.

"U of M versus Providence." I munched on more popcorn, a small hand shoving into the bowl. I glanced at the hand and followed it until I was met with Kelly's innocent grin. I rolled my eyes and glanced at the game once again.

"Who's winning?"

"It's 2-2."

"How long?"

"Second period; it's been 15 minutes." He groaned as he too shoved his hand into my big bowl of popcorn. I made like three bags, sue me. I have nothing to do.

"Pepper isn't having Reilly's back. He's going to get de-" We collectively groaned as Reilly got slammed into the boards by Hogberg and Haskins. "What a damn mess." I shook my head along with dad before whooping as Aaron was tripped by Callander and his stick, toppling over and taking the puck from Bolsted's possession, nudging the puck into the net as he quickly slid across the ice.

"That was a slash, but it benefited us so whatever!" I cheered along with Danny and dad, Kelly stealing my Coke in the process.

"3-2!" Dad called out before mom bid us goodnight, telling the little ones that it was time to go to bed.

"Intermission." I called out to dad before he stood up and took the now empty popcorn bowl and cup. "Hey, dad?" He turned to me.

"Can you bring me another one? And this too?" I grabbed the melted bag of peas from my knee and held it out to dad. He chuckled and nodded, grabbing the bag from my hand. After a minute I heard him call out to me.


"There's no more peas here."

"Then what is there?"

"Cauliflower and broccoli."

"Broccoli." I have no idea why we're choosing a specific bag but even if I'm not eating them, I'm not choosing cauliflower. Never.

"Here." He tossed me the frozen bag and I placed it on my knee, relaxing at the numbing feel it brought due to the endless cold. I looked at dad who passed me a refilled glass of Coke, one for him in his other hand.

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