There's Been Talk

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"What about Johnson, Strobel, and Broten for a line?" Dad questioned as we sat in the living room, me laying on the couch while he had his legs propped up on the coffee table, his papers on the armrest of the couch. It was around 11:00p.m., and we had gotten back from the game a few minutes ago. Obviously, U of M won. I hummed as I tossed a tennis ball in the air before catching it while imagining the three players in a line.

"You sure they can keep a pace together?" He stared down at his roster before staring at a random place on his white board. He gave me a shrug before scribbling it down.

"We'll see."

"Johnson needs a line that can match his pace. You know he won't slow down, for anybody. That's the good thing about him." He raised his glasses to rub his right eye before sending me a nod.

"We'll see how it goes in practice. We'll switch them up on Sunday at practice and see." I nodded and sat up as he scribbled some more stuff down.

"What about Verchota, Silk, and Harrington?" I questioned, trying to visualize the play in my head. It was barely panning out.

"Nah, I think I see Verchota with Wells at the most." I smiled slightly.

"I see Johnson with Mac." He huffed and smiled before writing it down.

"What about OC with Morrow?" He clicked his tongue and shook his head.

"No, what about OC and Ramsey? We can put Morrow with Christian and see how it pans out." I thought it through for a second before nodding.

"And Baker and Suter then." He pointed his pen at me and wrote it down.

"Did you tell Warren to focus more on Jimmy's reflexes? Janaszak doesn't need intense practice but Jimmy does, he needs to give it his all."

"Yeah, I talked with him today. He's going to practice Jim separately on Monday, you can practice Janaszak. They've got training on Wednesday with Gary, you can join them and ask Gary to write you up a routine for your knee." Dad looked over at me, tossing his glasses onto his papers.

"I'll take Jany on Monday. I've got therapy on Tuesday so I can also talk with Daniel about a possible routine. I'd run it with Gary on Wednesday so he can make sure I don't flake." He nodded once again, pleased with my plan.

"Sounds good." He stood up, grabbing his papers and glasses along the way. "I'm gonna head to bed, don't forget to turn off the lights once you go to bed." I smiled and nodded, watching as he made his way upstairs. Once his bedroom door shut I sighed, massaging my knee and thigh. After a few seconds of massaging my knee, I tied my hair up into a messy bun and slowly started up the stairs.

Once upstairs, I made a beeline for the bathroom. I stripped and took a quick, yet much needed shower before stepping out, and drying myself up with a towel. I wrapped the towel around me and walked down the hall and to my room. Once in my room, I dropped the towel and pulled on some underwear and an oversized U of M long sleeved shirt. I wasn't sure if it was mine or if I stole it from one of the guys during one of our games. One thing was for sure though, it was in my possession now. Whoever's may it be, they weren't getting it back. I shut the light in my room and shuffled over blindly to the bed, almost tripping twice because of my shoes I vow to pick up but never do. After I managed to not trip and screw my knee up anymore than it already was, I got into bed. I sighed contently as I wrapped myself up like a cocoon, snuggling into the covers as I drifted off to sleep.


"Ally." The voice sounded distant as I rolled over in bed, shoving my face deeper into the pillow. I mumbled out to them, but the voice was muffled due to the pillow.

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