Sneak Peak

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Up next on Miracles Exist:

"Alyssa! OC is here, for some unknown reason." Dad mumbled the last bit to himself as he walked away from the door once he saw me descending the stairs, Robbie in tow.

"Jack? What are you doing here?" OC smiled when he saw me, his smile wavering at the sight of Robbie behind me.

"I've come to pick you up to take you to the movies." I glanced at Robbie who wiggled his eyebrows at me. "But if Mac is taking you, that's alright as well. I just remembered you had therapy this morning and probably wouldn't want to drive to the movie theater." My heart warmed at his wholesome intention.


"Robbie's gonna be so jealous I've got another cool friend." Daniel laughed and shook his head.

"Sharing is caring." He gave me a pointed look as he closed my file. I snickered and stood up straight.

"That is his least favorite quote, for that exact reason. Ramsey once wanted to hang out with me and said the same exact thing. Robbie didn't take it too well." I laughed and shrugged.

"Seems like a Robbie thing." Daniel nodded and pointed at me, a cheeky smile on his face. I snorted and smacked his finger away. 


"Switch 'em." I nodded and looked over at the line.

"Broten! Switch with McClanahan. We'll find you a line soon, go stand with the boys." Broten looked at the ice before looking back up at me and nodding, skating over to the boards where the rest of the boys remained. Robbie glanced at me and I nodded, indicating for him to join the line. He nodded and skated over to the boys, instantly getting in sync with the lot.

"Make a pass Johnson!" Johnson made a quick pass to Strobel before crossing the ice just as McClanahan crossed to the other side.

"Pass it to Robbie!" Strobel passed the puck to Robbie who sped up and passed it to Johnson who was racing towards the goalie. Johnson took the puck in his possession, slamming his stick against it and sending the puck flying. Jani was a second too late as the puck flew past him, the net stopping it instead. The boys cheered with each other as I turned to look at my dad, a triumphant smirk on my face.

"I told you Johnson needed someone to keep up with him. Didn't I say he and Mac were a perfect fit?" He rolled his eyes and nodded, a sigh emitting his lips.

"Shut up." I laughed at his defeated stance before calling the boys to us.

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