Angry Bostonians and Rushed Tests

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The elevator dinged and the door slid open once again before Mac stepped off. "How many things do you think will be invented 20 years from now?" As we reached Mac's car, I hopped off. "Uhm...faster computers?" He shrugged, opening the door as well as I. "What else?" We got in and shut the doors, sitting in silence as he thought. "Phones." He said it as if a lightbulb lit up in his head. "We already have phones." He shook his head quickly. "No. Well, yeah. But that's not the point. Phones that we can carry around with us, maybe smaller than most walkie-talkies." He shrugged and started the car. "There could even be advances in medicine, who knows. I'm not some smart inventor." He chuckled and shook his head as he drove towards the bar.

"What about...a way to find information you need?" He raised a brow at me. "What? Like in the library?" I laughed and nudged his shoulder slightly. 

"No, you dork. I mean, like a way to communicate with others and find information quickly on things." 

"Huh...not bad." I nodded proudly, as if I had discovered a thousand dollars, when in reality I'm trying not to laugh at ourselves creating these outrages scenarios in our heads. Although, you never really know with the future. "Maybe they'll create faster skateboards." Mac gave me a pointed look while I tucked my legs under me in an indian position.

"Faster skateboards." He clarified, as if he couldn't believe I had actually just said that. "Yeah, faster skateboards. You never know with people, they may just surprise you." He didn't reply, he just smiled at my statement as two minutes later we arrived at the bar. He parked before turning to me. "Why didn't you tell me you'd be helping coach this year's team." Cocking his head to the side, his eyebrows were furrowed in curiosity. "If I had a portable phone I would've been able to." I winked at him, at the mention of his idea as his lips twitched upward. "I was going to tell you, honest, but I was so busy preparing everything with dad I just never had the chance to pick up the phone." Shrugging my shoulders, I looked over at him. Running a hand through his hair, he nodded slowly.

"We really need those portable phones don't we?" Robbie questioned in astonishment. "Maybe just a little bit." I giggled as he chuckled, turning off the car. "Come on, let's go inside." Soon enough we got out of the car and entered the bar, running into Mark Johnson on the way.

"Hey Mac."

"Hey man."

Johnson glanced at Rob before looking at me curiously. "I would address to you in a way but I'm not too keen on calling you just Brooks. Sort of have to do that with who I'm guessing is your dad." He gave me a breathtaking smile and I almost swooned, no kidding, he's just that attractive. "I'm Alyssa." I extended my hand towards him and he slowly looked down at it, a smile being hidden by bitten lips as he took his hand in mine, giving it a light shake before slowly letting go.

"Mark Johnson, but I'm guessing you already knew that from try-outs today." And I told dad to put you on the roster but who's keeping count. "Yeah, you were really good at try-outs today, all of you were." I felt a squeeze on my shoulder and noticed it was Robbie grinning cheekily at me. I rolled my eyes and chuckled. "Have you guys started on your tests already?" As if they had practiced, both of them revealed their tests at the same time. "Oh, okay then. This'll be fun." They rolled their eyes and we started walking further inside of the bar. I looked around and saw that the boys were somewhat separated, Boston on one side and Minnesota on the other.

The other boys were by the table filled with the guys from Minnesota, expect Ralph who was with the boys from Boston. "Hey, there's Rizzo." Mac nudged me, a smile seeping through his features. He really took a liking to Rizzo, wow. "Hey, Rizzo!" He called out while I stood behind him, on Mark's right. "What's going on?" I looked over at the table as Robbie smiled at Rizzo whose lips starting lifting as he gave us a nod of acknowledgment. "Mac." I could feel daggers being sent in our direction. Looking across from Rizzo, I saw O'Callahan glaring at Robbie. My hand was grabbed and lightly tugged on, giving me no choice but to follow while I still stared at Rizzo's table. We stopped at our table and Christoff stood up with a smile to hug me. "Why didn't you tell us you'd be coaching with your dad?" He had leaned back to look at me in disbelief.

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