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"Alyssa! OC is here, for some unknown reason." Dad mumbled the last bit to himself as he walked away from the door once he saw me descending the stairs, Robbie in tow. 

"Jack? What are you doing here?" OC smiled when he saw me, his smile wavering at the sight of Robbie behind me.

"I've come to pick you up to take you to the movies." I glanced at Robbie who wiggled his eyebrows at me. "But if Mac is taking you, that's alright as well. I just remembered you had therapy this morning and probably wouldn't want to drive to the movie theater." My heart warmed at his wholesome intention.

"That's so sweet." 

Robbie awed mockingly behind me after my comment making me smack him in the back of the head. 

"Shut it, Mac." He rolled his eyes.

"Maybe we can all ride together? Obviously, Mac would take the backseat." OC glanced at us and smiled lightly before nodding his head.

"Y-yeah, sure. Let's go then." 

"Wait- why am I going?" Robbie huffed as he grabbed his jacket from the coat rack.

"Because you're already here dumb ass." He rolled his eyes and gave me a light shove.

"I'm heading out to the movies dad!" His response was muffled due to the volume of the t.v., I shrugged and turned around. 

"Alright, let's go." 


"I would've been a boxer in another life." Johnson chuckled as we walked out of the movie theatre.

"You? A boxer? No way, you'd mess up that pretty face."  We laughed at Bah's response, Johnson blushing at the compliment. 

"I'm serious! Before hockey, I thought I'd grow up to box." Johnson all but whined as he shoved a chuckling Baker to the side.

"Sure, Johnson. Maybe from the womb." 

"That would explain why you were a premie. You were fighting your way out." Ramsey snickered as the rest of the guys laughed loudly. I shook my head with a laugh, feeling a slight brush against my hand. I glanced to my side and saw OC looking anywhere but me, letting out a whistle and converting it into an unknown tune.

"I'm not ready for practice on Monday, my back is still killing me from yesterday." Rizzo mumbled to us. I bit my lip in amusement, I know how you feel bud.

"At least after practice, we can go get some burgers if he doesn't let us go too late. Neal told me about this diner that had great food." Jimmy shrugged as he glanced at us, me sending him a smile in response. He had decided to use some of his per diem for himself as well, the rest he sent to his family. It made me so happy when he finally stepped out of his shell and decided to spend some time with us, despite his financial worries. Most times we hang out at their rooms so he doesn't feel bad. It's tough for him, I know, and we don't want him to feel left out either, because that's the worst feeling ever.

"Oh yeah! Keys Cafe. I pass by it whenever I go on a run. It looks good what with it almost being packed all the time." Ralph added. "It always smells so good when I pass by." He hummed happily. 

"If yall like the smell of that, one day you guys should come to Bonnie's Cafe, best breakfast in town." Robbie glanced at me and grinned.

"Their breakfast is to die for. And Bonnie, it's like she lives at that diner, you'll always see her there. We should go next Saturday." I smiled, the boys glancing at me.

"We should, it's been a while since I've had Bonnie's scrambled eggs. Does she still make her famous chocolate cake?" Baker questioned, glancing at the two of us.

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