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"What do you mean you can't be on the team?" I exclaimed in a whispering manner, the news leaving me flabbergasted. Jim looked down at the carpet, refusing to meet my gaze. "And-and, you're going pro?! Jim!"

"It's just...financially, I can't. My dad lost his job and we're really tight on money, I can't afford it. Turning pro, it's-it's the only way I can provide for my family." Dark circles adorned his eyes and his usually fixed hair was full of knots from constantly running his fingers through it.

Shaking my head, I refused to let Jim leave. This was his dream! There must be a way to fix this, he has to stay. He deserves to be here! I groaned loudly, running a hand over my face.

"Talk to my dad, we'll find a way. He won't want to lose you." He looked up at me. Behind his blue eyes was frustration caused by the situation at hand. He was too selfless for his own good.

"My dad keeps taking out loans Alyssa! How are we going to pay them back when he doesn't even have a job?" He ranted, running his fingers through his hair roughly. Pacing back and forth in his room, he shook his head.

"I'm not going to be the reason we continue digging ourselves in debts, no! I won't put my dad through that." I stood from my place on his bed rather quickly, my knee screaming in pain. Grabbing a hold of Jim's wrists, I slowly pulled them down to his sides.

"You're not leaving, Jim. We'll find a way, trust me."

- - -

"You should've come to me about this earlier, Jim. Not when you were about to leave the team."

"I'm sorry, Herb. I just didn't want to be of any trouble. You've got enough on your hands dealing with 26 players, their personal problems shouldn't be a burden as well."

Herb looked at Jim who stared back into his eyes, not backing down. He saw something in Jim, an amazing potential that he just didn't want to let go to waste. And also because Patti told him to find a way to make him stay and make a team out of these boys if he really wanted this to work; she's always right, you know.

"If their personal problems interfere with their playing on the team, I should at least be given a heads up."

Jim nodded before looking over at doc who had accompanied Herb to Jim's room. Letting out a sigh, Herb's ice, blue eyes observed Jim's posture. He leaned against the door, arms crossed over his chest, shoulders slightly slouched.

"I talked to doc here about your situation. We understand how difficult it must be for you to choose between hockey and your family, so we've come to an agreement." Doc smiled lightly at Jim who had furrowed his eyebrows.

"You'll be staying with me. That way, you can save whatever per diem you're given."

"Are you serious?! You're not kidding, right Herb?" A barely noticeable smile appeared on Herb's face.

"No, Jim, I'm not. You don't have to leave after all."

- - -

The phone rang quietly as Jim sat on the couch of his room, phone pressed to his ear, waiting for her to pick up.

"Hello?" She yawned, clearly having been woken up by the phone.

'She must've fallen asleep on the couch again', Jim thought to himself, before chuckling quietly. He quickly remembered what he was going to say to her and a sly grin edged onto his face.

"I'm staying, Alyssa. You were right, this is my dream. Herb and doc helped me out." Jim spoke quickly, as if it were too good to be true.


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