Move On Up

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"Hey, did you guys get settled in yet?" I asked Robbie over the phone, leaning against the kitchen counter.

"Yeah, yeah. Well no, almost though." I laughed quietly, seeing as mom and dad were in the living room watching t.v.

We arrived from Colorado three days ago, and it was now that Robbie, who arrived the same day I did, decided to check into the room he'd be sharing with Rizzo. Shuffling and muttering was heard from the other line, making me curious as to what they were up to. They are boys after all, they find fun in anything.

"Rizzo's asking if you want to come over," Rob mumbled quietly. He said it so quietly I almost missed it. Once I understood, I glanced over at the cuddled up pair. Taking a deep breath in, I tilted my head to the side in wonder. Would they let me go out? I'm 21, but still. They're the bosses.

"Give me a second." I placed the phone on the counter and shuffled over to my parents. Stepping closer, I leaned my head to the side to get a look of them, an innocent smile on my face as my hands were clasped together behind my back. They slowly glanced away from the t.v. before settling their gaze on me. 

"What do you want?" Dad questioned, raising an eyebrow. Mom chuckled at how well he knew me while shaking her head. 

"Can I go out with the guys?" He looked me up and down.

"Not in that."

Looking down, I realized I was in some really short pajama shorts and an old University of Minnesota t-shirt. I blushed and nodded my head. 

"Please don't die on the road." I chuckled and raised my hand in an 'I won't' manner before returning to the phone. 

"I'll be there in twenty." He agreed and hung up. I slowly made my way up the stairs, making sure to straighten my leg with every step like Daniel told me to. By the time I reached the top I was panting, the pain making me want to kick something.

"Are you okay?" Danny asked as he poked his head out from his room, rubbing his eye while he yawned. Bless him, honestly. Ever since what happened to my knee he would ask me every day if I was okay. He's a caring kid, I hope the world doesn't change him once he grows older. 

"I'm alright bud. You should get some rest, you have camp tomorrow in the morning." He nodded and stepped back into his room.

"Night Ally."

"Good night Danny."

After he closed his door I made my way over to mine. Once in my room, I stripped. I ended up wearing some grey sweats, a white long-sleeved shirt, and my black Vans Era. Deeming myself decent, I made my way downstairs. 

"Bye, mom. Bye, dad." I grabbed my keys as they both gave a faint 'bye'.

Parking the car, I turned it off and got out. "What room was he in again?" I muttered, scratching the side of my head. We really need those portable phones. I closed the car door and made my way inside. Have they all arrived yet? I know the Boston guys already arrived seeing as though Rizzo was already here. Apparently, they all carpooled with him.

Wait...did he even give me his room number? Oh shit, he did not. Why didn't I even ask. I groaned and made my way inside, immediately heading to the elevator. I took a wild guess and pressed the number four. Crossing my arms I leaned against the wall. Once the elevator dinged I got off. how do I do this? Do I just start knocking on different doors or just scream his name until he comes out? Let's go with the second choice.





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