Sneak Peak

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"I told you to take it easy on the ice, you didn't listen. Painkillers can only help you so much, Alyssa. When you don't have therapy, why don't you ask one of the boys to help you out? I'm sure they wouldn't mind." I closed my eyes and groaned.

"I don't know Daniel. After the accident, everyone tried to baby me. The boys walked on eggshells around me in fear that I would snap at them. Mom and dad were always worried I would hurt my knee... It feels strange asking them for a favor like that, they'd worry something's wrong in a heartbeat. I don't want that. I'll just wait for you." I turned my head and smiled cheekily at him. He chuckled and shook his head.

"I won't always be here, Alyssa. Your therapy sessions won't last forever and sooner or later you're going to hit the road with the boys. You'll have to figure it out." I huffed and rolled my eyes. "What about McClanahan? He's your best friend, isn't he?" I nodded slowly and he clapped his hands. "Perfect! You've been friends for so long and you've both been through physical therapy after games together. I doubt he'll mind helping you out when you're on the road." 


I walked towards the arena's gym, seeing dad taking notes while half of the boys were side by side against the walls, squatting while passing a weight to the one beside them. It was their first time doing this, so they were dying. I wanted to laugh at their reactions but I bit my tongue and stood by my dad.

"Hey, where were you this morning?" Dad questioned after he signaled Patrick to blow the whistle so the boys could rest and change with the other half.

"Therapy." I replied, glancing at his notes and noticing his plays.

"With Daniel?" I looked back at him and nodded, trying not to add too much weight on my left leg seeing as Daniel practically destroyed it today. "What'd he say?"

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