Apology Not Accepted, Have a Good Day

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Skating off the ice, I huffed at the pain in my knee. "Hey." Shaved ice fell onto my skates as someone came to a stop before me. "You okay?" I looked over at Neal who stepped off the ice to wrap an arm around me. "Yeah, just my knee acting up." Concern filled his eyes." It's been over five hours Ally, you shouldn't have overdone yourself." I shrugged. "It's fine, Neal, really. I'll drink some painkillers and be on my way. Now don't worry about me, go change. Bleachers once you're done." He nodded with a smile and walked off. "You alright there?" I looked up to see O'Callahan staring at my knee with an unreadable expression. "Yeah, I'm okay." He raised an eyebrow at the sight of me slightly limping. "Yeah, okay. Come on, lean on me. Don't put so much weight on it." I sighed and nodded before turning to the boys that were getting off the ice.

"Okay guys once you get changed, head over to the bleachers alright?" I received murmurs of acknowledgment from the tired players before O'Callahan and I headed to my own locker room. I quickly unlaced and ripped off my skates, slipping off my knee brace. Jack leaned against the wall, staring at me as I massaged my knee and thigh. "What happened to your knee?" He questioned. "Nothing, it-it's fine." I don't need him to think that I'm some weakling that can't take a hit. I don't want him to see me as fragile because of this, because I'm not. I'm a bad ass who played in a men's hockey team and wasn't scared to drop her gloves on the ice.

"Then why do you wear a knee brace? Why are you limping?" Raising an eyebrow, my eyes glanced at his. "Why do you care?" I stopped and stared at him, letting out a sigh at the surprised look on his face. 

"I'm sorry, okay? Look, thank you for helping me out back there, it was a kind gesture. I'm okay now. You should go and get changed so you can head over to the bleachers with the rest of the guys." 

"You sure you're okay?" After muttering a yes, he nodded and left, shutting the door behind him. Groaning out loud at what just happened, I quickly got changed. I decided on some high waisted shorts, a black AC/DC oversized shirt and my red Vans Era. Retying my hair into a messy ponytail I tucked my shirt into my shorts, slightly tugging on it to make it look baggy before I made my way out. On my way to the bleachers I ran into McClanahan. "Hey." He glanced at my knee then back at me before handing me two pills and a water bottle. "For your knee." I smiled and thanked him, popping the pills in my mouth and chugging them down with water.

"Come on, let's go." We walked towards the bleachers in a comfortable silence. Once there he went and sat down while I stood by Craig and doc. Craig passed me the list and I thanked him before looking at all of the boys before me. Looking down at the list I started listing the boys off. "Hughes. Ross. Auge. Delich. Broten. Wells. Horsch. Strobel. Christoff. Morrow. Suter. Ramsey. Janaszak. Christian. Pavelich. Verchota. Baker. Harrington. Schneider. O'Callahan. McClanahan. Silk. Johnson. Craig. Cox. Eruzione." I looked up and saw most of them sighing in relief and smiling.

Robbie caught my eye and he grinned at me making me smile a bit. "And that's the roster for now. Rest of you, thanks for coming out." Those that were not called stood up and glumly walked down the steps and towards the locker rooms to get their stuff. I watched those that were chosen smile and congratulate each other while my dad stood at the top with crossed arms behind them. "Take a good look gentlemen..." Heads started turning in his direction. "'Cause they're the ones getting off easy." He looked around before making his way down.

"We're putting a few of you on reserve in case somebody gets injured or their game goes to hell. The final roster will have 20 names on it in seven months, so more of you are going home. You give 99%, you'll make my job very, very easy. I'll be your coach. I won't be your friend. If you need one of those, take it up with doc, coach Patrick or coach Brooks here." He pointed at us and looked at the boys before leaving. Confusion settled on their faces at the mention of my last name. My own team looked confused at the fact that I'm coaching and they didn't even know. Surprise hoes.

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