Heaven On Earth

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Newt's P.O.V

I ran hurriedly behind Chuck who fled to the woods due to a terrifying nightmare he encountered. He woke up screaming at the top of his lungs and when we gathered around and tried to calm him down, he jolted away from us deep into the woods.

A lot of us searched for him until Thomas finally spotted him curled up to a ball under a tree. We tried everything to help him but the moment someone got close he would start crying again or scream louder in pain.

The only one who was able help him was none other than our angel of the Glade - Y/N. She has dealt with boys like this before including me. She was the only one who understood how just a comforting presence can help.

Y/N came running to the woods with Alby right behind her when she heard. She slowly approached Chuck and knelt beside him but didn't lay a finger on him knowing he would flinch in fear. Instead, she patiently seated herself and talked him through it and little by little he started giving in and finally wrapped his arms around Y/N as she took him into her arms and cradled him gently, wiping his tear-stained face.

After Chuck seemed to have settled down,Y/N reassured the boys kindly and only then did they leave but Chuck still refused to go back to the Glade so Y/N insisted on staying here with him for the rest of the day and Alby agreed, since you could still see the terror in the kid's eyes. If we had a hard time handling this situation I couldn't even begin to imagine what he was going through.

It was almost lunch time when I finished most of my work and headed to the woods to check on Y/N and Chuck and hopefully bring them back here for lunch. Fry even made Chuck's favourite to help cheer him up.

When I finally arrived to the seculded area, I got shocked by quite the sight that I did not expect. Chuck was smiling... all the fear he had before had vanished and warm feeling seemed to have been replaced. He was busy picking up flowers, so happily it was as if the nightmare incident never happened.

And then my gaze slowly shifted around landing on the most gorgeous sight. I saw Y/N sitting in a corner, so unaware and lovely, weaving am sure a flower crown with a pretty one already on her head.

"Newtie come on over" Y/N waved breaking my trance, patting the spot next to her. I smiled sheepishly and sat cross-legged next to her and she placed the flower crown she was making on my head lightly.

"Well how do I look?" I asked playfully. "Bloody beautiful" she giggled brushing a few strands of hair from my face. "Now, that's not something you tell a man, love" I said teasingly making her grin and shove me a little. "You say that a man is handsome" I winked with a smirk making her cheeks burn crimson red. "I still think you're beautiful" Y/N chuckled softly, making my heart miss a few pulses.

Just then Chuck came skipping to me holding out a bundle of things he was collecting. "Newt!!" he exclaimed shaking his head "look what I made". Then only did I notice the crown on his head hidden be his brown curly bush. I chuckled and ruffled his hair "that's quite nice buddy. You look great".

"I know" he grinned cheekily. "Oh little man you've been spending too much time with Minho" I tickled his sides and tried to get up to chase him making him squeal and run away with flushed cheeks from laughing.

It was wonderful to see him smile like that again.

"Can I add two horns onto Tommy's one ?" I asked holding two twigs on my head making Y/N smile and roll her eyes right afterwards. "So he could just poke Gally" I grinned playfully shaking my head.

She had the most beautiful thing I had ever seen and it only took her laugh to realise that beauty was the least of it.

"Did you make one for Alby too ?" I asked twirling a flower between my fingers. "I did but I don't think he'll wear it" she shrugged. "Well let's make him" I exclaimed and she shook her head with a smile as I tucked the flower behind her ear making her cheeks dust pink.

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