Just Collapse Into Me

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(Warning : sad but with a happy ending)

Y/N's P.O.V

"I know that something is wrong. I know it" I said firmly, my heart beating loudly in my chest as I paced up and down the room. "Y/N... you need to calm down" the voice rang repeatedly in my ears, like it has been for the past couple of minutes.

"It hurts me to think of him being alone and trapped inside his own head, Alby" I sighed, placing my head on my knuckles, pain rising in my chest "cause I know how it feels like".

"Y/N.." Alby started but I blocked him out again. "And I know he is strong. So bloody strong to take care for himself. I know that... it's just that he shouldn't have to, is all".

"Y/N" Alby held my shoulders this time, "we will figure it out together". I let out a soft sigh and looked away with a frown but he bought my gaze by back with two fingers on my chin. "Right now we just need to be with him" he said in a soft tone, and I nodded in agreement as I heard a familiar voice boom through the hall way.

"SHE BEAN" the runner's voice echoed before he engulfed me in a tight hug, rubbing his stinky sweat all over me. "Ben!!" I squealed while giggling excited to see him, also knowing they were all back safe and sound, "how was your day buddy?".

"Amazing" he chuckled, as I rolled my eyes playfully at him. "Where's are the others?" I asked still trying to push him off while Alby let out a chuckle too. "Still in the map room" he said with a sly smirk before he gave me a push and ran away yelling, "race you there", making me squeal at him again before catching up right after a quick wave to Alby.

Newt's P.O.V

"Can we just call it a night? Work on this tomorrow morning?"I asked annoyed with the fact that we've been sitting here for what seemed like hours. "Newt listen, we're really getting closer to finding a way out. I think if we-" I cut him off not being able to take it anymore.

"Yeah Minho? We're close to finding our way out? You've been here for over 3 years and so have I. I'm tired and I've been running all day. Us getting out of here can wait another day because it's waited another day for the past three years. I'll be up at our usual time. Goodnight." I didn't mean to snap but I did. I walked out leaving him shocked with my actions though.

I stomped off angrily to the showers only to come back after a while to find Y/N leaning on the door post of my room waiting for me. "Hey" I gave a small wave and walked past her to lay my clothes on the chair to dry out. I felt shucking messed up.

"Hey Newtie" I felt her arms wrap around, hugging me tightly. "I heard you were snappy today" she mumbled with her soft voice, head peeking over my shoulder. "I didn't mean to snap I was just really tired and annoyed. I'll apologize to Minho" I said turning around to see her beautiful yet worried face gazing at me.

"Don't worry. Minho will get over it" she said placing her hand on my cheek to which I nuzzled to, "just wanted to know if you were alright?". I stiffened. "I'm fine" I brushed her off and walked past her to my bed.

"Do you want to head off to the bonfire ? I heard Fry's got something new whipped together" I heard her footsteps behind me, jumping on her tippy toes but my dangerous thoughts were swirling in my head tearing me apart, silencing my words.

"I think I'll skip it love" I managed to say tiredly, turning around, "I'm just gonna lay down. You can go ahead", but she frowned slightly with a little shake of her head, and simply said, "not without tucking you to the bed Newtie".

I inhaled sharply, hesitating for a couple moments before nodding my head, and lying down on my back, pulling the blanket over myself as Y/N grabbed a chair and sat next to my bed as I laid silently with my eyes closed hoping to fall asleep at least tonight.

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