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[ Taeyong | Sicheng | Ten | Johnny | Lucas | Jungwoo | Mark ]

Jungwoo strolls on over to his locker, hair bouncing up and down as he notices his best friend grinning widely. It's unusual for Mark to be this smiley, but considering prom is only one day away, he can't blame him.

"Dude, did you hear? I heard Taeyong rejected Sicheng." Mark snickers, showing the news on his phone. "A group of students witnessed the whole thing. It was amazing."

Rolling his eyes, Jungwoo yanks his locker door open. Mark finds everything amazing, but this time maybe he's right. Sort of. "Well, Taeyong just saved himself from a lifetime of misery. Who knew he had a brain?"

Mark wiggles his usual seagull eyebrows and nudges Jungwoo's shoulder. From the looks of it, he doesn't have to worry about Taeyong much considering he just got back with Jaehyun again. For the fifth time too. "You know, he's back with you know who."

"Jaehyun?" Jungwoo tilts his head cutely, placing his hands on his lips. Oh right, everyone knew about their thing. To be honest, they're known to break up and then get back together. It's more like they're in a never-ending messed up relationship. "Let's just hope this time it works out for the both of them."

Mark unzips his backpack and stuffs his history book into it. Sure, give it another week and Taeyong will be a free guy again. "Nah, he's going to annoying. I heard he still hasn't given up on you, entirely."

Pushing his chin back, Jungwoo snorts. It was so obvious there was no chemistry from the start and he's still trying to win him over? Not a chance. Besides, his heart already belongs to someone else. Sooner or later, his body too. "Whatever he tries, I'm just going to keep turning him down." He continues, placing his hand over his heart. "B—besides, I'm taken."

"No way, you're already whipped for that ass chaser?" Mark laughs, holding a couple of folders in his hands. "I mean you can't go wrong he has a banging body—"

Jungwoo softly pushes his best friend's shoulder, frowning. It's not his 'banging body' that makes his heart flutter and a stomach full of butterflies, it's his personality that counts. Lately, ever since the heart to heart confession and the rooftop kiss, Jungwoo has seen Lucas in a new light. "He's changed. And, I think I've fallen for him even more."

Mark widens his teeth, mouthing a simple 'aw' and closes his locker door. He bites his lip and points to the other direction, hoping Jungwoo would notice Lucas walking towards them. "Speak of the devil, that's my cue. I'm off to serenade Donghyuck with my smooth voice."

Jungwoo blushes, completely ignoring Mark as he watches Lucas walking towards him. In a split second, he hugged his backpack towards his chest, hoping he wouldn't notice the redness on his cheeks.

"My lady, why are you standing here all alone?" Lucas asks, holding out his palm. "Why don't I walk you to your next class?"

Biting his lip, Jungwoo squeezes Lucas's hand tightly as he tilts his head up. Even though he's not one to do something cheesy like all the other couples, he tiptoed upwards, stealing a quick kiss before class started. "I—I couldn't control myself."

Lucas blinked, face flushed with surprise as he felt Jungwoo's soft lips press against his. In all honesty, he wanted to lift Jungwoo up and kidnap him so they could do more than just kiss, but instead, he smirked, planting a few visible love bites on his neck. "You know, if you do that again, I won't let you off the hook."

I choked. Looks like Taeyong and Jaehyun are back to dating again.

I'll let you guys choose, do you want Sicheng to be forever alone or not?

And, dun dun dun prom is... coming up next!

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