3) A Little Help

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It's been about two hours since Clarke brought Lexa back to her place and the brunette still hasn't woken up. Clarke had carried Lexa all the way to her couch and immediately started on caring for her. She took off Lexa's jacket, shoes, and placed a blanket over her. Now, she is sitting on the edge of the couch, next to Lexa, and is dabbing her face with a damp washcloth.

Lexa's fever is not reducing. It's at a hundred and two degrees right now, and if Clarke removes the blanket, Lexa instantly starts to shiver. All Clarke can do is try to reduce Lexa's body temperature until she wakes up and is able to take some medication and maybe get a bath.

Clarke decides that she'll let Lexa sleep for a little longer while she goes to the kitchen and makes her some chicken soup and tea.

When Clarke is done cooking, Lexa is still asleep but has started to sweat more than normal. Clarke knows she has to give her some medicine, so she reluctantly goes over to the couch and wakes her up.

After a few soft shakes to the shoulder, Lexa begins to pry her eyes open. When she sees Clarke and her surroundings, she immediately sits up. Her actions were too quick and winces when she feels her head throb.

"It's okay," Clarke says softly. "Lay back down."

Lexa complies as she's being pushed down by Clarke. "Where am I?"

Clarke grabs the washcloth and dabs Lexa's forehead again as she speaks. Lexa relaxes back onto the pillow beneath her head and closes her eyes. "My house. You're really sick, I brought you here to get you better."

"Why?" Lexa whispers.

"Because... I was worried about you?" Clarke hesitates to say that last part, she doesn't know how Lexa will respond to it and she doesn't want to scare her away. Her worrying thoughts are calmed when she notices Lexa sigh and snuggle deeper into the pillow.

"Why do you care?" Lexa opens one eye to look at Clarke and is met by a small smile from the blonde.

"I already told you. There are actually some people out there who care about others. You need help and I am giving it to you," Clarke says. Lexa still seems confused that somebody is actually wanting to help her, but before she can question anything else, Clarke stands up. "I made you some soup, I'll go ahead and bring it to you."

While Clarke goes to fetch the soup and tea, Lexa sits up on the couch slowly and looks around the living room. She sees lots of pictures on the walls, tables, and in every corner of the room. They display the blonde with friends and those who seem to be her parents. Lexa smiles softly when she sees the blonde as a child, smiling widely to the camera with missing teeth.

Lexa turns her attention back beside her when she hears shuffling. She sees the blonde setting down a food tray on the coffee table in front of her. Clarke moves to sit next to her and Lexa feels awkward for the first time since she woke up. She's in a stranger's house, sick, and being fed. This is a hospitality that Lexa had almost forgotten about in the last few months.

Clarke senses Lexa's uneasiness and decides to put her at ease. "There's some more if that isn't enough. Do you need anything else?"

Lexa glances toward her direction but doesn't make eye contact, "No, I'm fine. Thanks." She whispers in a barely audible voice.

Clarke clears her throat, "Okay, well I also have some medicine to give you. I'll be right back." She hurries over back into the kitchen and is glad when she hears Lexa pick up the bowl.

Clarke has a hard time finding the right medicine, she has nearly looked through her entire medicine cabinet and has had no luck. After a few moments, she find the right pills at the very back of the cabinet.

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