9) You Did It

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Since Lexa asked Clarke for help two weeks ago, Clarke has spent all her conference time on the search for a good job for Lexa. She wasn't rushing it, but she wanted to have great options for the brunette.

Lexa was busy too. She looked for jobs on the newspaper, online, and even walked into town to see who was hiring. She had a few options open, but became visibly excited when Clarke showed her all the job openings she had found.

Both girls went through all of the jobs together and discussed the pros and cons. They were mostly office jobs in small offices or local businesses, but none seemed to be interested when they learned why she had lost her previous job. When looking at all the benefits and salary of others, Clarke was not satisfied. Lexa didn't mind, she would be okay with anything, but Clarke knew she deserved better.

After Lexa insisted one night, Clarke went out to get drinks with Raven and Octavia. When the friends had enough, they decided to head back to Raven's house for a few hours. Raven asked how Lexa was doing and Clarke let her know about the job search.

Much to her surprise, Raven had informed her that she was looking for new people to hire at the company she and another one of their friends, Monty, had founded. Raven was extremely interested in the possibility of hiring Lexa for their marketing team.

That night, Clarke got home late and Lexa was already asleep, so she couldn't tell her about Raven's offer. However, she told her before breakfast the next morning and Lexa was ecstatic. In fact, she was so overjoyed, that she jumped into Clarke's arms and laughed delightedly. Clarke joined her in her excitement and spun her around a few times while laughing as well.

When Clarke put her down, Lexa covered her mouth in disbelief and questioned Clarke if she was being serious. Upon getting confirmation from Clarke, Lexa clung to her once again and thanked her profusely. Clarke was more than glad to help her.

Lexa could not wait to finally begin to get her life back together.


Clarke waits anxiously while sitting in the stool by the kitchen bar. Her foot and fingers won't stop tapping, she constantly checks the watch her dad had given her. She glances at her phone, yearning to call or text Raven, but she restrains. She left work as soon as she could to be home on time, but now she's thinking that she might've left too early.

When she hears a car pull up into the driveway, she instantly gets up and looks out the window. She smiles when she sees Raven's car and the two people she's been waiting for. Clarke scurries to the door and opens it.

She waits on the porch for the two women to walk closer. Once in reach, she hugs Lexa softly for a few seconds. "How'd it go?"

"Geez, Clarke. You're acting like a mother who sent her kid off to their first day of school." Raven teases.

Lexa chuckles and pulls back. "It was only training, Clarke. It's going well so far, though."

Clarke smiles and turns to Raven who is standing a little behind Lexa. "Is training really necessary, Rae? I'm sure Lexa knows what to do."

"I'm not gonna argue that she doesn't know because she certainly knows more than me about marketing, but she still needs the training to know how our company runs and so she also gets to know the few other people who work there."

Clarke nods slowly, "Makes sense. Well, I'm glad it went okay." She gets inside and the two brunettes follow her in. "Do you like it there, Lexa?" Clarke asks as she begins taking food out to make dinner.

"I do. The people there are nice and I like the software and apps that Raven is developing. I know that the company is in its starting stages and I used to work for a slightly bigger company, but I'm loving it. I quite enjoy that change, actually, it won't be as stressful. Not to mention, that I'm pretty sure Raven and Monty aren't laundering money."

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