15) I Know It's Going to be a Success

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Another week has rolled by and the relationship between Clarke and Lexa has been continuing to blossom every day. They are definitely in the honeymoon phase. Both of them know that they are dating and aren't even in an official relationship, but it would be a lie to say that it didn't feel that way.

Clarke has made it a habit to walk into Lexa's room before she goes to work and kiss her goodbye. Most of the time, Lexa is still sleeping since she doesn't have to be at work until nine and Clarke leaves at seven. The blonde showers Lexa's face with soft kisses but is careful not to wake her up. In the rare case that Lexa does wake up, she gently pulls Clarke down onto the bed and makes her lay with her for at least five minutes.

Although last weekend was technically their first date, they both decided that they should have a more official one. When Clarke got carnival passes from her school, she knew that it would be fun to go there with Lexa.

It's Saturday night and they are currently on their way to the annual carnival. Clarke has gone a handful of times over the years and is excited to show Lexa around. Lexa looks out of her window and sees lights in the near distance. She also sees a bright ferris wheel and the tents where the games are.

Clarke chuckles at the amazed look on Lexa's face. "You ever been to a carnival before?"

"Yeah... I was six, though."

"It's a different experience when you go to one as an adult. You'll love it."

They find a parking spot and make their way inside. There aren't many little kids around since it's already nighttime. Most of the people they see consists of teenagers. Clarke grabs Lexa's hand and leads her further into the carnival.

"What do you want to do first?" Clarke asks her with a smile.

Lexa looks around. "Can we do that first?" She points to a ring toss game and Clarke begins to walk in that direction immediately.

The guy in charge of the game hands them each a few rings. "What are we trying to win?" Clarke asks as she looks at all the prizes.

"I'm not trying to win anything in particular. Just want to have some fun." Lexa tells Clarke with a playful grin. "I can try to win something for you, though."

"Are you kidding?" Clarke scoffs. "Lexa you were six last time you played these games. I'm gonna win something for you. Something big."

"Good luck." Lexa begins to throw her rings and misses the first few. It's harder than she remembers, but doesn't give up when she sees that Clarke has managed to make three of her rings already.

They both end up getting prizes. Lexa gets a whistle and Clarke wins a rubber ball. Not the prizes they were aiming for and Lexa pouts at her lame whistle.

Clarke laughs and pecks Lexa's lips. "You worry about having fun. I've got the prizes covered. "

"But I want a giant stuffed animal..."

"Oh now you want a particular prize? No worries, that's what you'll get. Trust me." Clarke kisses her shortly one last time before pulling her to another game. "Don't be such a baby."

Lexa smiles and rolls her eyes, following the blonde to another booth.

They play a few more carnival games before deciding to get on some of the rides. Their prize stash is all in a tote bag that they had also won. So far, they have mostly won little toys, a few light up toys, and little teddy bears. No giant stuffed animal yet.

Clarke enjoys the rides more than Lexa. Although the brunette did not say anything about being scared of rides, Clarke can tell at the way she grips the bars and how wide here eyes get. She holds Lexa's hand throughout the scarier rides and always asks if she wants to get off. Eventually, Lexa decides that she's had enough. Before completely finishing with the rides, she asks to go on the ferris wheel.

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