10) Bellamy's Party

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Bellamy's party came too soon for Lexa's liking. The inevitable date had been in the back of her mind all week. She still wasn't sure she wanted to go, but she didn't want to reject Clarke's invitation. So she decided to suck it up, put her feelings aside, and try to have fun like a normal person would.

"Clarke?" Lexa calls out as she walks into her room.

"Hey, Lexa." Clarke replies nonchalantly as she digs through her drawers.

"Are you getting ready?" Lexa asks tentatively while motioning towards Clarke's bed full of clothes.

"Uh, yeah..." Clarke moves over to her bed and looks through the clothes laying there. "I won't take long, I promise. I know that you don't want to go and you don't have to, so I'll try to be back home soon."

"Actually..." Lexa starts. "I've been thinking and I figured that you're right. We should celebrate. Celebrate that my shitty life is starting to look up for once. I'm not big on parties and I know this is technically Bellamy's party, but maybe I should try to have a little fun."

Clarke was not expecting this from Lexa and looks at her warily. "Are you sure?"

Lexa nods her head. "I think so. I mean.. that's if I'm still able to go."

Clarke smiles. "Of course you are. And don't worry, it's not a big party. It's only a couple of our friends, drinks, and probably a few lame games that Raven will undoubtedly suggest."

Lexa chuckles. "I should probably go find something to wear then."

"You should." Clarke says. "Keep it casual, though. No need to be all fancy."

Lexa returns her smirk and leaves to her own room to get ready.


"Clarke, I'm not so sure that I should be here anymore." Lexa states as they stand in front of Bellamy's place.

"I'm right here. There's no need to worry. You'll be okay."

Lexa takes a moment to calm her nerves to no avail. Do these people even know she's coming? Will she have to explain how she knows Clarke? Will Octavia unwelcome her?

Her worry must've been present on her face because Clarke turns to her, "Hey, it's gonna be okay. If it becomes overwhelming or you've had enough, just tell me and we'll leave. Okay?"

Lexa furrows her brows in thought but nods nonetheless. "Okay." She whispers.

"Good." Clarke squeezes her hand in reassurance. "Now show me that smile of yours."

Lexa blushes slightly at Clarke's words and grins faintly at her. Clarke chuckles and pulls her towards the door.

As soon as they knock, the door is answered by a messy-haired guy who Lexa assumes is Bellamy.

"Clarke!" He greets excitedly, hugging her tightly and lifting her from the ground while Clarke laughs. Lexa steps back a little, feeling like she's intruding.

Once Clarke is put back down, she motions to Lexa. "Bell, this is Lexa."

"Oh, hey. I'm Bellamy." He puts his hand out and Lexa shakes it carefully.

"Hi, nice to meet you."

Clarke smiles at Lexa's formal greeting and leads her inside when Bellamy lets them in.

Upon entering, Lexa immediately spots Octavia sitting on the couch, eyeing her with slight apprehension. This time, Lexa doesn't allow herself to feel intimidated. She's here for Clarke and to try to have some fun. She keeps eye contact with Octavia until the other brunette scoffs and looks away.

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