14) It's a Long Story

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The first thing that Lexa notices once she wakes is the sunlight that is peeking through the blinds, then it's the intense headache. She shuts her eyes and buries her face into her pillow. That's when she notices something else and immediately opens her eyes to look where she feels something.

She sees Clarke's arm wrapped tightly around her waist as she sleeps soundly behind her. The memories from last night make their way to the forefront. Lexa freezes. She can't believe that she said all of those things. To Clarke. While drunk!

Lexa mentally face palms and tries to calm her pounding heart. She's not sure what she should do. Should she pretend she can't remember? Should she bring it up? Should she get up or lay there until Clarke wakes up?

Clarke moves a bit in her sleep and Lexa closes her eyes, pretending to be asleep herself. She feels the blonde snuggle closer to her. Lexa can't help but admit that it feels really comfortable to be held by Clarke. No longer able to resist her headache, Lexa decides to put her worries to the side and sleep for a bit longer. She will deal with this later.

A few minutes after Lexa falls back asleep, Clarke stirs again and slowly opens her eyes. She immediately regrets it when her head feels like it's split in half. She knew she shouldn't have drank that much last night. When she tries to move her arms to place them over her eyes, she realizes that one is stuck.

Her blood runs cold when she realizes that she is clinging to Lexa. She doesn't want to make any sudden movements and wake the brunette, so she just stays still and relishes in the satisfying feeling of having her in her arms. Clarke doesn't know how long it takes her to fall back asleep, but she is later awoken by steps and voices out in the hallway.

Lexa also begins to wake up and Clarke quickly removes her arms from around her. Clarke gets up, fighting her terrible headache, and goes to see what all the noise is about. Apparently, Raven woke up with an upset stomach and ran to empty it in the bathroom. Harper had hurried after her to hold her hair back while Octavia cursed them from her spot in bed for waking her up.

Clarke goes downstairs and finds the guys still sleeping, so she quietly gets some painkillers and a couple water bottles. She takes them back upstairs and shares them with Lexa as she takes some for herself.

Clarke and Lexa do not acknowledge last night or this morning. They pretend like everything is normal, but unbeknownst to them, they are both very aware of what had taken place.

They eventually make their way downstairs and Lexa begins to make breakfast as Clarke wakes up the guys and gives them painkillers. She also hands some to the girls when they finally make their way into the kitchen.

Everyone eats whatever they can stomach, all while complaining and swearing off alcohol for good. The group of friends start to leave after they finish eating and are feeling better. While Lexa takes a shower, Clarke cleans up the mess her friends had made the previous night. When it's her turn to shower, Lexa finishes up the cleaning.

They are both aware that something is off about the other and question if they both remember what was discussed. Either way, they are both lacking the courage they had while drunk. There is a noticeable tension when they are both downstairs again. They haven't spoken much. Neither know where to start or what to say.

Clarke tries to muster the courage, but chickens out when given the opportunity. "I'm going to go paint for a little bit." She tells Lexa when she's finished putting things back in their place.

"Okay. I think I'll go put away my books in my bookcase after I take the trash out." Lexa answers. Clarke nods and heads upstairs into her studio. She releases a shaky breath and leans against the closed door. What the fuck am I supposed to do?

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