13) Happy Birthday

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Lexa is supposed to be paying attention to the meeting happening in front of her. Raven had called a company meeting to brainstorm new product ideas. Considering that the company consisted of ten people, it was rather easy to share ideas and discuss them. Although Lexa started out with her full attention on the meeting, after a while, her attention began to wander.

It's something that's been happening a lot lately. She will easily get distracted or forget what she is doing, causing her great frustration because she doesn't like to waste time. The only thing consistently on her mind has been a certain blonde. Her conversation with Raven at the open house only seemed to have unleashed deep-buried feelings for Clarke and intensified them. Lexa feels like she is in high school all over again, crushing on her straight friends. Except, Clarke isn't straight. Which only makes Lexa more hopeful and scared at the same time. Not to mention that Clarke has also been acting a little different. Lexa isn't quite sure why, but she's noticed that Clarke has been more cheerful lately and has been spending more time with her.

Lexa has spent the last fifteen minutes of this meeting thinking about Clarke. Wondering what Clarke is doing, if she's home yet, how her day went...

"Lexa?" Monty asks, bringing her back from her distant mind.

The brunette looks up and notices everyone's eyes on her, she tries to think of how to answer but she has no idea what they were talking about. "Uh..."

Raven looks at her knowingly with a smirk and explains. "What do you think of a new app or software targeted to online child safety?"

"Oh, yeah. Uh, I think that it's a great idea. With today's growing technology and the increase of children's access to online platforms at younger ages, it's only reasonable to safeguard those areas. I mean, there are already parental control softwares and child restriction apps on the market, but we can make something better. Something safer and easier for parents to use."

Everyone stays silent for a few seconds before Monty breaks it again. "Yeah, I agree with what Lexa said. We'll definitely have some competition but we can take on the challenge."

Raven taps her pen against her chin and thinks for a few more seconds. "Okay. I like it. We can definitely add that as a possibility. It will expand our company's consumer base for sure. Alright, good job, everyone. We've got some good ideas. Monty and I will work more on this and will decide on the next project as soon as possible. In the meantime, Emori, keep troubleshooting the newest app. Maya, keep taking calls for customer support. Jasper, keep tweaking those codes. Lexa, keep contacting potential buyers and solidifying our marketing strategies. The rest of you do what you've been doing as well."

"Thanks, guys. See you all tomorrow." Monty finalizes.

Everyone stands up and begins to exit the meeting room. Lexa exhales slowly and can only thank her quick mind for her only input this whole meeting.

"Lexa, wait." Raven calls out. She picks up her laptop and notepad, then walks next to Lexa as they head to their offices to pick up the rest of their stuff. "Have you changed your mind about doing something for your birthday?"

"Uh.. no. I don't think I want to do anything."

"Oh come on, Lexa!" Raven says in exasperation. "You don't want to party? Go drink at a bar?"

Lexa smiles and shakes her head. "I think I'm good, Raven."

"Okay, well... What about something on a smaller scale?"

"Are you just trying to party or something?" Lexa asks with a chuckle.

"Maybe. I just wanted to know if you were planning on actually doing something to celebrate. You're birthday is literally days away."

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